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  1. M

    Grind cash FullRing NL2 - NL20 :D

    không rõ đối thủ, mới 20 hand nhưng chắc hit set đuổi mình chờ thùng. Poker Stars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.02 BB (9 handed) - Poker Stars Converter Tool from Hero (UTG+1) ($2.03) MP1 ($2.96) MP2 ($1.29) MP3 ($2.53) CO ($1.58) Button ($2.10) SB ($2.04) BB ($2) UTG...
  2. M

    Grind cash FullRing NL2 - NL20 :D

    Vs fish short AF 12 tại thời điểm nó push. Nghĩ thằng này cầm Air push và call Poker Stars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.02 BB (9 handed) - Poker Stars Converter Tool from SB ($2) Hero (BB) ($2.15) UTG ($0.75) UTG+1 ($1.78) MP1 ($1.04) MP2...
  3. M

    Grind cash FullRing NL2 - NL20 :D

    12 bàn fullring mà được có 2 $ 1 tiếng với hiệu xuất 12bb/100 hand. Chẳng nhẽ tăng lên 16 bàn cho nó căng. bài chả có vẹo showdown gì. 700 hand mới có 1 quả A A 3 *** được,
  4. M

    Grind cash FullRing NL2 - NL20 :D

    TT JJ toàn hand khó đánh. OOP vs short stack nữa mới thêm khó. Biết chắc nó fish mà không rõ nó AX hay JJ 99 88 gì đó. Bài này rút kinh nghiệm lần sau. Mà cũng chẳng biết nên rút kinh nghiệm thế nào nữa. Check call 3 vòng thì chẳng có tý value nào. check raise allin thì cũng chẳng hay. info thì...
  5. M

    Grind cash FullRing NL2 - NL20 :D

    Bàn thường đánh sướng thật. Ước gì có sức khoẻ đánh bàn thường như bạn. Zoom khó nhằn vãi. Hand vs reg nhé. chỉ số 19/15 đàng hoàng. Cái vận xui nó theo tôi đến bao giờ đây. Từ nl10 về nl2 còn chưa hết. Poker Stars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.02 BB (9 handed) - Poker Stars Converter Tool from...
  6. M

    Poker - Grinding it UP! - From $80 to $8000 fullring version.

    Bank không lên được 80 thì lại về 78. Bài ra toàn câu cho mình thua tiền. Poker Stars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.02 BB (6 handed) - Poker Stars Converter Tool from Button ($2.02) SB ($1.84) BB ($2) Hero (UTG) ($2.25) MP ($2.28) CO ($1.89) Preflop: Hero is UTG with A, A...
  7. M

    Poker - Grinding it UP! - From $80 to $8000 fullring version.

    Một đôi A 2 số phận. Poker Stars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.02 BB (6 handed) - Poker Stars Converter Tool from Button ($2.15) SB ($2.59) Hero (BB) ($2) UTG ($1.67) MP ($2.02) CO ($2.63) Preflop: Hero is BB with A, A 1 fold, MP raises $0.04, 1 fold, Button calls $0.04, 1...
  8. M

    Poker - Grinding it UP! - From $80 to $8000 fullring version.

    Come back. Sau khi phá bank từ 150 còn 50. Tiếp tục lên được 80. Hiện tại đánh 6 max bỏ qua fullring vì nó quá chán. Đợi hand rõ lâu, được hand to đối thủ không theo thì lại ngồi đợi tiếp. Bank 79$. nốt 1 $ lên 80$ nào.
  9. M

    Poker - Grinding it UP! - From $80 to $8000 fullring version.

    fail. Không đủ trình đánh nl10. Quay lại nl5. Drop cái challenge, Hẹn gặp lại các bạn trong một dịp khác.
  10. M

    Poker - Grinding it UP! - From $80 to $8000 fullring version.

    hold em manager 2 nhé. Bank lên 170, cố gắng lên bank 500 để tự tin đánh nl10. Go limit mới mà không tự tin khó oánh thật.
  11. M

    Poker - Grinding it UP! - From $80 to $8000 fullring version.

    Poker Stars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.05 BB (6 handed) - Poker Stars Converter Tool from Button ($4.75) SB ($5) BB ($2.65) Hero (UTG) ($5.52) MP ($7.93) CO ($5.07) Preflop: Hero is UTG with Q, Q Hero raises $0.15, MP calls $0.15, 1 fold, Button raises $0.40, 2 folds, Hero...
  12. M

    Poker - Grinding it UP! - From $80 to $8000 fullring version.

    Poker Stars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.05 BB (6 handed) - Poker Stars Converter Tool from Button ($5) SB ($4.95) Hero (BB) ($5) UTG ($6.19) MP ($11.22) CO ($5) Preflop: Hero is BB with Q, Q 3 folds, Button raises $0.15, SB raises $0.43, Hero...
  13. M

    Poker - Grinding it UP! - From $80 to $8000 fullring version.

    Poker Stars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.05 BB (6 handed) - Poker Stars Converter Tool from Button ($7.24) SB ($4.43) Hero (BB) ($5) UTG ($5.16) MP ($17.55) CO ($8.93) Preflop: Hero is BB with A, Q UTG raises $0.15, 2 folds, Button calls $0.15, 1 fold, Hero raises $0.55, 1...
  14. M

    Poker - Grinding it UP! - From $80 to $8000 fullring version.

    I hate 6 max game Poker Stars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.05 BB (6 handed) - Poker Stars Converter Tool from Button ($11.33) Hero (SB) ($5.29) BB ($6.15) UTG ($5.76) MP ($4.86) CO ($5.95) Preflop: Hero is SB with J, K 4 folds, Hero raises $0.13, BB calls $0.10 Flop...
  15. M

    Poker - Grinding it UP! - From $80 to $8000 fullring version.

    Poker Stars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.05 BB (9 handed) - Poker Stars Converter Tool from Hero (Button) ($5) SB ($9.88) BB ($6.67) UTG ($3.90) UTG+1 ($5.88) MP1 ($4.53) MP2 ($5.15) MP3 ($8.17) CO ($5.39) Preflop: Hero is Button with 3, 3 5 folds, CO raises $0.12, Hero calls...
  16. M

    Poker - Grinding it UP! - From $80 to $8000 fullring version.

    Poker Stars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.05 BB (9 handed) - Poker Stars Converter Tool from Button ($2.51) SB ($3.84) BB ($2.72) UTG ($5.30) UTG+1 ($3.21) MP1 ($3.38) Hero (MP2) ($5) MP3 ($6.35) CO ($8.62) Preflop: Hero is MP2 with 10, 10 3 folds, Hero raises $0.15, MP3...
  17. M

    Poker - Grinding it UP! - From $80 to $8000 fullring version.

    Poker Stars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.05 BB (9 handed) - Poker Stars Converter Tool from Button ($4.74) SB ($8.76) BB ($6.49) UTG ($4.59) UTG+1 ($5.41) MP1 ($1.67) MP2 ($4.11) Hero (MP3) ($6.08) CO ($5) Preflop: Hero is MP3 with A, J UTG raises $0.10, 3 folds, Hero...
  18. M

    Poker - Grinding it UP! - From $80 to $8000 fullring version.

    Poker Stars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.05 BB (9 handed) - Poker Stars Converter Tool from Hero (Button) ($5.89) SB ($9.12) BB ($7.39) UTG ($6.07) UTG+1 ($5.01) MP1 ($5) MP2 ($1.46) MP3 ($11.45) CO ($10.23) Preflop: Hero is Button with J, J 3...
  19. M

    Poker - Grinding it UP! - From $80 to $8000 fullring version.

    Bank lên 150$ bao gồm 50$ nạp mới vào.

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