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  1. N

    The Framing Effect and Confirmation Bias

    Understanding the standard deviation The standard deviation can show the consistency of an investment's performance over time. A fund with a high standard deviation shows price volatility. A fund with a low standard deviation tends to be more predictable. The standard deviation is...
  2. N

    The Framing Effect and Confirmation Bias

    Where to Set Your Stop-Loss KEY TIPS A stop-loss order is placed with a broker to sell securities when they reach a specific price. Finding out where to place your stop loss depends on your risk threshold; the price should minimize and limit your loss. The percentage method limits the...
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    The Framing Effect and Confirmation Bias

    What is overweight in Portfolio Management? An overweight investment is a sector of assets or industries that contains a larger portfolio than usual or an index. An investor may choose to dedicate most of his portfolio to a sector that appears to be particularly promising, or the investor may...

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