Matrix Centurionprofits-Site đầu tư dài hạn 1%-2.1%/day, chấp nhận EP/STP/Credit card

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Dec 19, 2010
Chú ý: Hình thức đầu tư có rủi ro. Các nhà đầu tư phải cân nhắc kỹ trước khi ra quyết định!

Giới thiệu:
1.Thông tin cơ bản là site đầu tư với rủi ro khá thấp
-1 trong những admin là supporter klcurtis2003 bên MMG
-Centurionprofits là sự kết hợp giữa "Crowdfunding", "Advertising & Auction"
-Chấp nhận EP,PZ,credit card
-Chỉ cộng lãi vào các ngày Business Day (Từ thứ 2 đến thứ 6)

2.Plan và Reveune

Ứng với mỗi plan là các mức phí thành viên khác nhau và các bạn chỉ phải đóng phí upgrade member 1 lần DUY NHẤT



Crowdfunding bonus (tạm dịch "Chuơng trình từ thiện")
Các bạn xem thêm chi tiết theo link

Tạm thế đã, khi nào Prelaunch mình sẽ bổ sung thêm!
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Site đã mở cho đăng ký và launch trong 7 ngày nữa.
Yodaman874 đưa site này vào danh mục đầu tư của nó và đã gửi mail thông báo và Pr cho site này. Có thể đây là 1 site dài hạn và khá tốt. Sau 100 ngày có thể thu hồi đủ vốn.
xem tình hình thế nào sẽ chiến
Mai launch rùi,chuẩn bị upgrade membership rùi chiến thui

Grand Opening
On Monday, August 5th at 11:00 AM CST - Chicago time we will have our grand opening. At that time, per many members requests, we will open up funding for 24 hours to allow everyone to fund and upgrade their memberships so they do not miss any referral levels when their downlines purchase shares. After those 24 hours pass, we will open up purchasing and everything else too.
Referral Commissions
For the Moment, referral commissions will remain the same BUT as we see that many members are concerned about this, we will soon cut the levels down (This will not affect members who upgrade now). This will affect later members who come in. BUT since we know this also draws new members to us, we will offer these bigger levels (for instance 10 levels deep) as a crowdfunding bonus or even an auction for some members. We listen to you and we responded to what you wanted.


Crowdfunding Q&A

Q) If we join the main program as an Advanced Member ($23) and purchase 7 shares worth $105 then donate $60 to the trailer project, how does that work?

A) If you donate $10 only, for Advanced Members, you will reveive $6 (grows to $15.12) will be added to your shares account.

A) If you donate $25 only, for Advanced Members, a random percentage of your shares (varies for everyone as it is random) gets a higher percentage added to them – up to 1.7% (varies for everyone as it is random) (not on the pledge amount).

A) If you donate more that $25 as in the example above ($60), you will still receive up to 1.7% for all shares purchased (not on the pledge amount). But because you pledged more than just the amount of $25, there could be something a little more special for you also. But we have to keep some things secret ;)

Q) How does it work where it is said members receive their original donation back plus a bonus? For example, $6 grows to $15.12. Will this be over the 180 days of income?

A) Original donations will be offered with certain crowdfunding bonuses so be on the lookout for these offers and perks. As for the $6 growing to %15.12, that is for those that pledge only $10 vs. a $25 pledge. This money will be offered either as a daily plan included in your shares or as a seperate rev share that you will also see in your back office.
Advertising In HYIP Forums

As for advertising in any HYIP forum, we plan on doing that. But we plan on doing it different than most programs. Most programs want thousands of members at the beginning of the program to draw others into the program. While this does have its benefits, it also has its drawbacks. This can be hit and runners and killing the longevity of a program.

For us, we spread our advertisign out over the length of the program. So even if we do not have thousands of people at the start, it will not matter. For instance, right now we have close to 500 people who have joined. So after we launch we will advertise in new HYIP forums every few weeks or so to attract new members. By doing so, it will spread members out so they do not all rush in at the beginning and slowly drain the program. We saw a great program close this week (or about to close) as most members joined at the beginning and things were not spread out. We hope you understand this as well.
Miscellaneous Q&A, and other things

We will add a members counter to the page sometime soon.

Q) Where can I get highest RCB? What is Min. invest? Are withdrawals Instant? How much will i earn daily? How long does it take for withdrawal to be processed?

A) Most of this info is listed right on the front page or plans page. As for withdrawals, the FAQ page but in the near future, we plan on having instant withdrawals where we can. I am sorry, but this is up to anyone joining to read the information provided. Nonetheless, we offer daily plans as anyone can see too. They can deposit and purchase and never come back until they want to withdraw earnings. Purely passive for those that want this and also active for those that want more too.

Q) If I use a payment processor that the admin has to approve manually, how long will it take to approve and/or purcahase my shares?

A) Most of the time if it is Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM CST, it should only take a very short time as admin is usually around. Nonetheless, it should never take anymore than 24 hours, unless it is the weekend (then it might take a little longer).
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