Other Exocoin - Exocoin.org


Oct 23, 2013
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New crypto-currency - eXocoin (EXO).

I am a proud to present you the next generation coin eXocoin
Take a deep breath and start reading! It's worth it. Not another copy clone. 100% from scratch with innovative elements. Written in C++11
hybrid PoW + PoS System (IPO + free mail give-away + mining)


Developed from scratch! Not a single codeblock stolen or cloned from any other cryptos or somewhere else. It will be developed using C++11 and MinGW (cross-platform compiler).
eXocoin will be spread partly among investors. But even if you are not willing to participate in investing BTCs or LTCs at early stage - you can get your way into our coin, as well:

Several ways to become a stakeholder of eXocoin (currency abbreviation EXO)

A) Early-bird investor: CLOSED. Please do not invest anymore as early-bird.
B) 2nd-stage investor: 2nd stage investments will start after the start of the open beta. See timeline below.
C) Mining: There will be room for mining as well! This is a PoW + PoS combined crypto coin. Mining will start some days or weeks after investors will get there coins just to get a smooth and step-by-step launch.
D) Free e-mail give-away! Simply register on exocoin.org. Afterwards apply for the give-away by visiting this link: give-away application. Only serious bitcointalk profiles are considered: Your account must exist before 23th of January 2014 or you need to have a minimum activity here on bitcointalk until the launch (some days before launch all applications will be verified automatically. Please do not ask for confirmations yet).
E) Trading: no exchanges so far. Of course you can exchange p2p on bitcointalk or elsewhere right after the launch.


4% super block: given away 100% for bounties and donations!

There will be a total of 100,000,000 EXO after mining is done. Mining will be completed within six month. So at launch there will be 50,000,000 EXO and six month later 100,000,000 EXO. No more can ever be made by anyone. No inflation can happen. Due to the fast end of mining it is expected to get a higher price per unit at the end of 2014. Also, no ASICs will be build for this coin.
Of course you can consider to go more than one way. However all your investments may not exceed in total 1.5 BTC or 50 LTC.

You can donate only values between 0.005 and 1.5 BTC (0.2 to 50 LTC) [2nd stage: 0.02 to 1.5 BTC, no LTC investments possible]. We do not want any larger stakeholders as its the case in the NXT community right now! We want to spread and split EXO as much as possible among the community! With the upper cap we want to encourage smaller investments!
If - by any reason - this project is about to die: You will get a 100% refund of your investment.
We really hope to get the eXocoin alive as a long term coin. We do not want to create a pump&dump clone like those that are everywhere right now. A widley spread initial handover (achieved by the 1.5 BTC / 50 LTC cap) prevents from someone (and from us) dumping large amounts of EXO once it hits an exchange!
The source code will be release after the launch [partial sourcecode here: http://wiki.exocoin.org/Sourcecode

Mining will start really smooth and fair. There will be empty blocks at the beginning so that there is no need for a hustle on launch time. Just take a cup of coffee first and then start your rigs ;-) [empty blocks will be there for about 1 hour].
You can use an escrow service! See below for details. We cannot think of being more fair :)

- 6 month mining frame
- No ASICs will be involved ever in eXocoin (mining frame is too short to produce an ASIC in time)
- fair launch - starting with empty blocks
- GPU friendly
- saves procentually more electricity the more hashpower you have (more information about this soon)
- no premining


- Someone could steal all investments: This is not likely to happen (highly secured offline wallet and backups)
- The project will not launch. This is not a risk at all for you since we will refund 100% of your investments in this case! We do not want to make quick profit with a coin (otherwise we would create a pump&dump coin in one day or quicker). We want to change the crypto-scene. We want to be the next gen crypto (I would see this as 2nd gen).
- for sure there are more risks to be concerned about ;)

NXT vs eXocoin

NXT has already launched and has much talking about. No doubt. eXocoin is not a descend or clone or anything related to NXT. Its coded from scratch. There will be features that NXT do not have. And it will be fully open source one day. You cannot be 100% sure that NXT do not have a hidden trap in there current binaries or something.
We don't want to blame NXT. It has great innovation! What we are concerned of is that about 75 people are holding the vast majority of the whole crypto. That is what we want to change with eXocoin. The wider it spreads the better! Preventing pump&dump from a single individuum to crash the exchange rates to 0.
NXT does not have a mechanism to prevent typos in transactions or to detect swapping bits in transactions. eXocoin developer will invest a high amount of time to make transactions safe! Typos will be detected as well as swapping bits within network or computer layer. You do not have to remember an address of someone. You can register, buy and sell aliases for them decentrally!

Feature list

- basic wallet GUI and commandline-tool , account overview, send and receive EXO
- block explorer integrated
- register, sell and buy aliases within the client (decentral, p2p market integrated!)
- chat system: chat with any alias/ account you like decentrally
- attach messages within a transaction (e.g. a reference id etc)
- auto-update (can be turned off in option menu if you like to compile it yourself), enabled by default
- highly secured transactions: error correction, detecting swapping bits (and more in whitepaper)
- secure wallets: Using a random file (created by the gui/cmd tool) or a file of your choice (image, sound file, system file etc). Only you should know what file is needed for your authentication. Then you could store your 10,000 photos from your last holiday on an usb stick. Only you will know what special picture will unlock your account!
- News about eXocoin development, announcements, exchange rates etc will be provided within the gui/cmd tool. If it comes to decissions that will affect the whole community (new features), than you will have the opportunity to vote decentrally within the client for or against an idea and see transparantly the results of the vote.

Extended feature list (planned to be integrated on launch day, but will not delay it)

- p2p decentral exchange within the GUI/cmd-tool! [BTC <--> EXO only] with anti-fraud protection for both parts of the exchange!
- more will be announced in the whitepaper.


early-bird investments: CLOSED
2nd stage: scheduled to start on 2nd April!

To make this transparent you can observe all investments made anytime online:

http://exocoin.org/index.php?s=investments]view investments

Addresses for 2nd stage will be delivered on time.

On launch day every investor will receive an email with further notice. So it is essential that you and only you have access to the mail account you provided us.

Escrow Service
Yes you read right! We do accept escrowed transactions! You send your bitcoins/ litecoins to a trustworthy thirdparty organization of your choice (you can use bitcointalk members as well). There is no disadvantage for you over the direct transfer to our address except that you have to handle the additional fees for using the third party service!

See this section on our website for further details: http://exocoin.org/index.php?s=about#escrow



basic client/network functionality: DONE
website: Online, in steady progress
running testnet: Online [alpha version right now]
whitepaper: released! (final version): http://exocoin.org/index.php?s=whitepaper


Twitter: https://twitter.com/eXoCoin
Website: http://exocoin.org

As stated - nobody can guarantee this will be a success, however, we truely believe that eXocoin has great potential and it will provide essential and new features. It is developed by several good software architects and programmers with university degrees in IT that are very familiar with C++11. C++11 will ensure high client speeds. It also will run on any windows vista or newer computer without any additional software (like java would need). It will not need .NET installed.
We will refund all investments back if this project will not launch. The investment will go to a BTC (LTC) address on a highly secured computer - running a light linux distro, freshly installed, nothing else on it, just the encrypted wallet! And a backup on three encrypted sticks in a safe.
There is no premine for the mining part! We as the developers will only have your investments as a payment for our work. We will invest with our own bitcoins like anyone else can do as early-bird investors at max 1.5 BTC / 50 LTC!

Please share your thoughts. Good suggestions are always welcome. Me and my team will do the very best to get eXocoin working - to have a smooth and fair launch and to keep it longterm as a real next gen crypto. Not a pump&dump action. We want to change the crypto scene permenantly!

#update: To ensure that early investors (who are facing higher risks) will get more EXO for 1 BTC than a later investor for 1 BTC* the following mechanism will kick in in the unlikely event that this will happen
*if way more investors decide to invest at stage 1 rather than stage 2

Website: http://exocoin.org
News from eXo project:

Open beta 2nd try: http://exocoin.org/queries/beta_release_V0.5.7z (note: we did not uploaded this as an update, please download a fresh copy, do not reuse old files (chain blocks, wallet file, peerfile) since formats may have changed.

Changelog V0.4 -> V0.5:
- slightly change in boot process, more debug information on launch (successfully launched on xp sp3, win7 x86 and x64 - professional and enterprise(=ultimate)), GUI shows up later if connection to news/update server cannot be made (delay of ~2-3 seconds then)
- send decimal amounts of EXO now possible (got truncated to INT in between)
- removed the huge amount of re-reading the wallet file and with that the repeatly display of an error message (caching)
- fixed send_transaction circulation (way to often, multiple processment of the same message ->caching of all messages with reduces messageHop flag, additionally reduced messageHop from 3 to 2)
- added more checks on arriving transactions (check if already in latest or prev block and if timestamp is greater than timestamp of prev block ->tx get stored only once+tx gets skipped without high cpu load earlier)
- initial blockchain update can be paused now in GUI (cannot be paused once it is synced or nearly synced!)
- full EC donna and EC nist support - can be choosen for each address differently
- show Popups in GUI for status information (invalid pass etc notifications)
- user can select keyType within GUI dropdown
- wallet file format changed. Therefore the update overrides your created addresses
- pbkdf2 (hashing the passphrase multiple [dynamic] times before storing in walletfile) fully implemented
- AES256 roundcount increased to 14 (truecrypt standard)
- implemented a loading-"please wait"-popup (will be displayed on new address creation, pass change, update download and transfer EXO (and beta generate 10,000EXO))
- transactions will now be properly displayed (amount sum + transaction list) without a need of a program restart (in some cases that have been needed) *note* if you initiate a transaction while out of sync the transaction will appear in GUI automatically once the latest block is synced up!
- added Settings tab in GUI
- communication between client and miner reworked and finalized
- CPU miner finalized (GPU miner to be developed!)
- mining process within the normal client programmed (not tested yet, distribution process not developed yet)
- maximal readed in bytes of an passFile = first 5000 bytes (prevent crashes with huge files bigger than RAM and increases performance while security is not threated)
- user can change passphrase/file now within GUI. Old wallet file (representing the old pass) will be kept as well (wallet.exo.X.archive) and can be restored (=renamed) or deleted
- minimum pass requirements will be checked now at initial address generation (it could have been circumvented before) and on passphrase change
- pbkdf2 round count will be calculated new on every pass change. If you change the pass on a new computer in 20 years that will increase the round count drastically.
- fixed a bug associated with the generation of 10,000 EXO (could lead to a crash)
- added more debug output to console and log file
- fixed a bug which could lead to multiple instances of the time thread (flickering time display in GUI could be noticed) which could lead to crashes or wrong calculations which both is bad
- integrated vote system (realized centrally since decentral integration would not be a big advantage) ->build server application + integration in GUI done -> new votes will be shown on startup. Already answered votes will not show up twice. 2 test votings are within this update
- integrated batch-send-transaction mechanism (needed for initial delivery of EXO to investors) [hidden feature at the moment]
- fixed a bug which could cause the client to crash on the last loaded block from drive
- fixed a bug which could lead to a deadlock in a critical section (not exited at a previous return)
- fixed a bug that caused the GUI to hang at startup if chain is empty
- increased checks on all arriving network messages (check the format, content and if the message is allowed / should be processed at that specific moment)
- since transaction's order in a block is dependend on their hash and not on their time (that's important!) the calculation/validation of account's balances could get corrupted. Additionally the block explorer view tab in the GUI showed transactions not ordered in time. =>added new query function that returns transactions of block in time. To eliminate converting time all transactions are stored in RAM twice: once ordered after hash, once ordered after time
- fixed the bug which caused the last beta version to crash the system
- you can now start without network connection or loose connection at runtime. When you get connection back everything will be synced up again correctly [WARNING: sometime this does not work properly. Working on this ->V0.6 please manually restart if needed]
- chain will be evaluated completly if needed (if networkBlockId < currentBlockId ->delete all upon and request the latest block from network. if currentBlockId < networkBlockId request all blocks upon from network. if length matches but inChain hashes not: request that block from network. If still invalid request the previous block. If still ..... request the previous of the previous of the ...... block.
- time sync is now more accurate than before (important) and should stick better in the range of the real world UTC time (however that is not needed but is nicer).
- udp sendReliable for transactions partly implemented (user does not get the status of this yet, wait for v 0.6 /// this caused a new crash ->disabled at the moment)
News from eXo Team:

Here is what we have calculated (I'll check those numbers again tomorrow just to be sure):

first round:
65.159 BTC directly
322.450758 LTC directly
90.663216 BTC via escrow (Anon + 3 other escrowed transactions not with him)
341.2812 LTC escrow (all with Anon)

LTC -> BTC conversion rate: 1.5 BTC == 50 LTC

first round total (sum): 175.7345961 BTC

2nd round:
29.8063 BTC escrowed (all with Anon)
87.49165256 BTC directly

2nd round total (sum): 116.6380 BTC

[[sum both stages: 292.3725487 BTC ]]

100,000,000 EXO -> 50,000,000 for mining + 4,000,000 for giveaway after launch and bounties + 4,000,000 for mail giveaway + 42,000,000 for 1st and 2nd stage -> == 100% distribution after 6 months (end of mining).

initial spreading for 1st/2nd stage regarding current spreading plan: 23,500,000 EXO 1st stage + 18,500,000 EXO 2nd stage. To face the fact that there have been more investments in 1st than in 2nd round we have changed the proportions to 26,000,000 EXO 1st stage + 14,000,000 EXO 2nd stage (this procedure has been communicated here: http://exocoin.org/index.php?s=about#timeline (last lines of page)). There have been more email applications lately so their block increases back again a bit to 6%.

That means:
[glow=lightgreen,2,300]1st stage 1 BTC investor gets: 147,950.3784 EXO
2nd stage 1 BTC investor gets: 120,029.5418 EXO[/glow]

advantage of being 1st stage investor: 123,26% -> nearly 20% as communicated earlier

Obviously if you invested more or less than 1 BTC just multiply your value with that. E.g. a 0.7 BTC 2nd stage investor gets 0.7 * 120,029.5418 EXO

mail applicants: each valid application will get at the moment 6,000,000 / 1500 people =~ 4,000 EXO (equals a 2nd stage investment of 0.033 BTC)
Note: mail applications have not been verified yet. So the number still can decreases or increases. The possibility to apply for the mail giveaway will end on 23th April 23:00:00 GMT.

Correct me if you find any mistake in the calculation. As stated going to recheck those number and the transaction lists tomorrow again just to be sure.
These information will be displayed on our website as well tomorrow.

The next beta update cannot be delivered today unfortunately. Please wait until tomorrow for the next version. Thanks for patience and understanding!
btw: the used algo for the mining will be a new combination that have not been used before. More information at a later point.

best regards

Hopefully this going to be huge succes!
News from Developer:

It is really hard to estimate the launch time. Every time we find a bug it needs again investigation, development and testing. But we cannot know how many bugs are left in the product. However, with the latest version 0.59.2 we have a pretty stable status. 0.59.3 will be even more stable. Also, we are running two nodes now with 0.59.3 and they are able to mine (so, yes, they are getting EXO in their wallet). You can test that once we release it.

Changelog of the next version 0.59.3:
- fixed udp reliable (you can now sync up the chain with even huge blocks with poor internet. This was not possible with 0.59.2 and prev. since packets got dropped then silently)
- re-broadcasts of miningResult/send_transaction only after initial verification and not directly
- fix bug in get_peerlist request (leaded from time to time to a crash)
- getPeerIPPorts and similar will no longer return pointers to the internal structs but hard copies. Added more setter to compensate. Clearer code design and fixed a crash issue here with two threads accessing pointers here without critical sections
- change popup title from "error notification" to "success notification" in case it is a positive message
- clear peer traffic user command works now
- fixed a small bug in chain sync process (not critical)
- GUI popup did not stay opened for some errors in sendTransaction() processing (e.g. "you cannot send yourself EXO")
- programmed eXowatcher (checks if the core process is running. If not -> restart after 5secs) and testing on one node at the moment
- added new column in block explorer, indicating if block has been validated through the network or not
- fixed a smaller bug in mining process (leaded to a critical section timeout deadlock)
- fixed a bug in the mining process (no transactions have been initiated previously due to this bug)

all points are done except the first one. Hopefully can finish that within 24 hours. It won't need a chain restart so its the first time that we can let the net run without any down times.

Best regards

#edit: the mining amount is spread equally within the miners. That will be changed of course in 0.6
Some good news from eXo Project:

Like some people stated the distribution way won't change anymore that fundamentally. Mining/PoW don't add a single bit of security to the network but it is another way to spread eXocoin among the people. We want to attract many different people - miners, investors and people without money initially.

- Soo we are quite positive that the bug in 0.59.x (block chain async) has been fixed, although we cannot say this is true 100% ... (to be more concrete: we changed quite some code regarding this and adding more guards and a sealing feature _and_ we fixed a possible case in which the problem can be the consequence).
- we changed the internal storage of all money values from doubles to an own format and tested it thoroughly
- integration of "change address status" is done and will be tested tomorrow
- integration of "checkpoint block feature" is nearly done and will be finished tomorrow

v0.6 will need moreover:
- full proxy and anti-spam integration (+1day)
- minor stuff(+2days), like addressbook

so our new eta for 0.6 is: 8th-9th June = start of final beta test

- checkpoint block feature is done.
- Testing of it and the change address status feature will be made tomorrow.
- addressbook feature finished
- proxy program hopefully will be finalized tomorrow as well
Big news from eXo Project:
V0.60 is released!
We have added more points to the changelog.


Lets see what this version brings. I do not want to forecast anything since the last months showed that unexpected things can happen very often ;)

we will take a good rest, so if something goes wrong with this we will check it probably not earlier than 12 hours.

oh, just a side note: you can effectively change the state of an address now, but changing it to RECEIVING_ONLY won't make any difference (that will be changed until the launch).
best regards & enjoy
eXocoin team
Good job, the newest progress of the major issue:
We made progress on this issue. It is partially linked to the (new created) ticket https://sourceforge.net/p/exocoin/tickets/31/
but thats not the full solution. The full(hopefully!) solution is working now in theory and will be programmed as soon as possible (1-3 days with testing).
More information on this issue soon.

News also from the mac client development:

"set up mac osx mavericks 10.9
-> basic developement environment established
-> currently working on the first successfull build (console and basic gui without html views as for now)

new status should be reached within 24 hours"
We're steadily approaching release day:

Alright, you might have seen that we have fixed the waste issues (memory, e/a, ...). Also, we got a bug that the network crashed on block #1000, that was a silly bug we already have fixed (checkpoint creation kicked in but was falsy). Checkpoint creation got reworked completely.

0.61 is completely finished and we are testing everything. If no errors occur we should be ready for launch late tomorrow otherwise maybe one day later.
Changelog will be uploaded tomorrow. Binaries will be hosted on sourceforge from 0.61 ongoing.

OSX support still not sure (as of 0.61). Should be available with 0.62 if not already with 0.61

Good news from Developer:

I finally recovered from illness fully. Anyway (besides some days) I (personally) continued to work on exocoin.

One vps provider has some troubles right now, so we do not have that much server ready for the next beta test. We got in contact with the provider, we will see, when those server are back for us again...

Then we have another bunch of server in the background, but we cannot take them as those will be the server behind the proxies later on, so we cannot reveal their ips for this test.

Anyway we have 2 stable + 1 server for the next test right now. It should be enough for this test.
Anyway we will wait for an answer and maybe buy 1 or 2 server until tomorrow night.

The 0.61 network is currently running on those 3 server and 4 testing clients. Everything seems to be OK.

The changelog will be online within 48hours.
0.61 beta testing *should* start within 48hours as well.
0.61 will be delivered through the sourceforge server network.
0.61 (and ongoing) will be available for: Windows XP and ongoing 32/64Bit, Linux (centos 6.5 32bit build, fedora 20 64bit build, mint 17 64bit build)

with 0.62 starting we would like to have the working osx version and some more linux versions.

Also we know that many linux distros are compatible (e.g. a centos build should be working on fedora), we would like to compile eXocoin on many more than maybe needed linux distros; just to be sure. That way we can see if our sourcecode can be compiled easily on the various linux distros (that knowledge also can be good once the community can build the source whereever they like).

I did not fetched up with this thread until my latest post yet. I will do that tomorrow as well as reading all PMs.

Sorry for the long offline period of mine here on bitcointalk. I hope most of you got at least some information from our website or twitter or sourceforge.

Next message from me tomorrow or the day after.

have a nice day! Best regards
al..mos.ss.st.. there.. :)

As for now: Problems with vps provider solved, 0.61 works great in out testnet. Only implementing the coding base, mentioned in ticket #40:
- so it is nothing that *absolutly must be* in 0.61 and it won't be an excuse for a new delay Wink

That will be probably done in some hours (already working on it), with uploading and starting the beta net we should be ready in 24 hours.

Final beta test soon. Stay tuned!

From developer:

Flowcontrol needs some more adjustments. We are working on it. open beta test will be delayed to tomorrow night probably therefore.
Meanwhile tests on xp, vista, 7 and 8 were successfull. We are preparing the builds for linux and osx as well.


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