Other GetPaidToWatchYoutube - lại một site xem video kiếm tiền ngon ăn đây bà con!


Apr 15, 2011
Chú ý: Hình thức đầu tư có rủi ro. Các nhà đầu tư phải cân nhắc kỹ trước khi ra quyết định!
Xem video thì hiện cũng có vài site như Paid2youtube hay vagex, site này mới ra mình thấy cũng ngon nên quăng lên bà con chiến thử

Mỗi video xem khoảng 5 giây thì nó hiện ra ô điền capcha, điền cho đúng rồi submit là tiền vào :D
Số lượng video rất nhiều, nếu chăm thì một ngày kiếm cũng kha khá, khoảng 1 tuần là có tiền cashout
Minpay: 15$

mình cũng không biết giới thiệu gì nhiều, quăng lên vài cái hình:D

Sơ lược về chế độ của site
How will I get paid? [-] You will be paid via PayPal. Once you sign up for an account and request for payment, you will be asked for your PayPal email address. If you don't have a PayPal account, it's free and easy to sign up for one. Just click here to go to PayPal and sign up for an account.
Is there a minimum payment amount? [-] Right now, the minimum payment amount that we will approve is $15.00 USD
Are there any fees to join / watch videos / receive payments? [-] Absolutely not!
How do referrals work? [-] When you refer a member to our site, you will receive 10% of their earnings for life. There are no limits as to how many people you can refer either.
Can I watch any video I want on YouTube and get paid for it? [-] Yeah, of course you are. You're allowed to watch any Youtube video and get paid for it on our site. Once you become a member, you will find our "Search for Videos" section where you may search for videos on YouTube. Our own promoted videos will be listed at the top of the list and you will be paid extra for watching any of our promoted videos.
Am I limited to how many videos I can watch per day? [-] No, you are allowed to watch as many videos as you would like per day. There is no daily cap. In fact, there's no such limit for any time period. Sweet, huh?
Can I promote my own uploaded YouTube videos on this site for advertisement? [-] Yes, we offer that service too. Please visit our "Advertisement" page for more information. Our rates are really cheap, so you should totally check them out!
Whoa, I just watched a video and for some reason, I didn't get paid for it. What gives? [-] Sorry to hear about that. Just go into your account and click 'Show Transaction History'. There we will give you steps on what to do if this situation happens. If we find out that we screwed up somewhere, we'll pay you double!
So how does this whole video watching to get paid thing work? [-] Once you log into your account, you'll see a section called 'Search For Videos'. Once there you will be able to browse through our selection of promoted videos as well as search for videos yourself on YouTube. In order to watch a video for payment, you must click on the 'Get View Ticket' link next to each video to get your View Ticket. Once the ticket has been generated, you will be directed to a page with your requested YouTube video. Without a valid View Ticket, you will not be paid, so make sure you get one before viewing your video.
How many videos can I watch at once? [-] You can watch as many videos as you want at the same time. You cannot, however, watch the same video multiple times simultaneously.
Sounds great! Where do I sign up? [-] If you're not logged in, you may sign up by clicking the 'Join Now!' link near the top of the page, or you can click on this conveniently-placed registration link.

thằng này hơi mệt là nó toàn chơi adf.ly nên click hơi lâu
Đăng ký ủng hộ mình nhé
Có thắc mắc gì thì cứ hỏi tại đây, mình sẵn lòng giúp đỡ ^^
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xem thử có tool click ko, chứ click vầy thì cũng mệt thật, nhưng mà được cái video/day nhìu:))

---------- Post added at 03:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:13 PM ----------

up cho ai có nhu cầu
có refback thì mình chơi thử
mình giới thiệu site chiến thử, nghiên cứu thế nào đã, nếu thấy ngon sẽ tuyển ref sau :P

---------- Post added at 03:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 PM ----------

Sao nhập đúng capcha mà dk ko được vậy ta
sao kỳ vậy, cậu thử lại xem

---------- Post added at 04:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:48 PM ----------

site mới có hơn 100 member, hình như nó bị lỗi capcha hay sao ấy@@


Jun 4, 2011
thằng GetPaidToWatchYoutube này nguy hiểm hơn mình tưởng, mình click vào link adf.ly cho nó, nó trả % cho mình đó, xem video chỉ là che mắt các mem thôi


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