SCAM nobox -


Jul 3, 2011
Chú ý: Hình thức đầu tư có rủi ro. Các nhà đầu tư phải cân nhắc kỹ trước khi ra quyết định!
NoBox – Unique Investment Program and Sustainable Revenue Share Program



Đây là chương trình của admin Karlo Marek.
Vài dòng về admin:
“I (Karlo Marek) seeking, investing and earning online since early 2003. In the year 2010, I have started a newsletter service, which turned an online blog with its own domain by the end of 2011. Mid of 2012, I discovered the power of Google+ and changed the blog into a circle only information site. Linking to my G+ profile. Later I forwarded the domain to a Google+ Business page”.

Admin Karlo Là một người thân thiện, Payment nhanh và support good.
NoBox :
Payouts: 2% Daily
Min spend: $5
Payout max time: 48h
Minimum to withdraw: $2
Referral: 5%
Payment method: Manual
Compounding available: no
Principal return: no
I invested : $2100.
Tôi là cá nhân tham gia đầu tư và tự bỏ tiền túi ra chiến. Tôi không phải 1 monitor nào cả.
Mong nhận được sự ủng hộ của tất cả anh - chị - em!
Các bạn muốn được hỗ trợ thì liên hệ tớ qua yahoo: VIETCOMBANKDONGAACB
Mình chỉ RCB với LR - STP










Chương trình được đánh giá khá cao, đây là một chương trình chia sẻ doanh thu, vào cuối tuần là ngày thứ 6 admin sẽ điều chỉnh doanh thu và chia lãi cho members. Nên lợi nhuận vào ngày này có thể tăng hay giảm. Giao động từ 0 đến 8%.

""Adjustment Friday's: Every Friday costs on some advertisement spots will be adjusted, depending on what is sold or not sold. The prices will go up or down. On Adjustment Friday's, the daily return's are not designed to reach the supreme 2%, but can reach anywhere between 0% to 8%. The given amount depends on the total performance over the past 7 days."

Tôi hỏi lại admin và admin đã trả lời như sau:
You receive daily payments of 2%, except on friday, where it can be up to 8%. So far it was always around 2.5 to 3.5% on fridays, but every other day 2%
Ending up with around 15% per week, paid daily, until 250% are reached.
I have this all explained on the learn more page

Revenue share is not instantly, but is shared at 11:59 PM server time

Vào thời gian này tiền mới được chia lãi , các bạn cứ yên tâm mà surf.
NoBox is not an hyip or investment program where you can lose your money easily.
GOOD LUCK FOR ALL OF US! And thank for watching - reading - invested - comment - post paymnets proof and up toppic help me.

Tôi chỉ RCB cho LR. Các bạn invest bằng tiền STP - PM -EGO thì buzz mình để mình tính toán mức RCB hợp lý nhé. Khi các bạn deposit thì nó ko tính phí nhưng khi các bạn request withdraw thì nó sẽ trừ phí 2% từ EGO & STP. Nên để có lợi nhất là DEPOSIT bằng LR Thanks!

NOBOX có 3 loại member
NONE member : loi 180%
nobox TÍNH lãi theo chu kỳ 180% - 250 %:
Hiện tại trung bình 1 ngày các bạn lời 2% từ thứ 2,3,4,5,7,chủ nhât, riêng ngày thứ 6 thì lúc này admin hiểu nôm na là tính toán 1 tuần từ việc mua bán pack revernue, shopping, exchange money, mua ban BITCOIN ...vvv : nói chung là tiền tạo ra sau 1 tuan kinh doanh : lúc này sẽ chia lãi lại cho rieng ngay thứ 6 : nó dao động từ 0% -8% .
TÓM LẠI : trong vòng 1 tuần bạn có thể nhận lãi là 15%.

Anh em ai tham gia dưới link của mình, để lại thông tin sau trong toppic mình sẽ check và RB lại:
1) Số tiền deposited: ví dụ $2005 - trừ tiền fee cost membership (nếu có) = $2000
2) Số ID (Username) : Bignews
3) Tên tài khoản LR: U8888888
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Tiền đã về

Please note that in all e-mails from Liberty Reserve we will:
1. Always address you by your first name.
2. Never send you any links or attached files.
3. Never ask you to send us your password and/or login PIN.


You have received a payment to your account UXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Date: 2/28/2013 6:01 AM
Batch: 13xxxxx22
From Account: U6084555 (NOBOX)
Amount: $2.00
Memo: Cashout #
Thank you.
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xài auto post hay sao nhìn cái bài chán dữ

Mình sẽ EDIT lại bài sau nha!
Mình sẽ EDIT - Đã sưả lại bài viêt hi vọng làm hài lòng bạn. Mong bạn tham gia sơm cung mình nhé.
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Karlo Marek
19-02-2013 -
If you've come to NoBox via a search engine or a link, that's great as this tells me that you need some help in your advertising, perhaps you want an edge over your competition. Perhaps you even want to make some money in the progress. And this is a good thing because it really means you want success. So now that you're here, you can be more successful.

To all the wealth seekers out there, NoBox is not an investment site. NoBox is not an HYIP, Surf or MLM program.

Please do not read on, or start joining NoBox unless you really want to be a part of a wealth builder. A wealth builder, what combines ads, banners, surf, cash-back, shopping, currency exchange, member to member money transfers, team-building, monitoring and most of all creates money to your pockets.

Did you find that little voice in your head wondering, "How is NoBox any different from an Autosurf?", "Perhaps a combination with an Investment?"

Let me explain what is different here!

I assuming by now you already read the learn more page? If not please do it before the continuation of this Newsletter.

THE EXTENSION AND EXIT STRATEGY; Way More Effective Than Just Memberships, Surfs, Cash-Back and Ads.

With the extensions, NoBox guarantees regular and "extended" revenue streams to the entire system.

Newest Extensions:

You are now able to send money to your friends, with the New NoBox Member to Member Money Transfer.

TIP: Downline builders, might find this feature useful to give ref-back, or sponsor their downline one month membership.

Besides that, the Member to Member Transfer feature creates revenue to the NoBox security-holdback.

The second new addition to the NoBox environment is a currency exchange. At the moment, you can find out the fees, by clicking the currency manager link and chose the exchange you are planing to execute.

Bear in mind, Solidtrustpay needs to approve exchanges. Therefore, NoBox is not exchanging Solidtrustpay to any other e-currency at this time. However, you are able to receive Solidtrustpay, from other e-currencies (in limited amounts).

Shortly NoBox will offer extended exchanges, what includes Bank-Wire in/out, and from the wallet to the cash-balance. At the moment, you can exchange from cash-balance to the cash-balance or to the wallet-balance; into any supported ecurrencies.

TIP: Members can now exchange their profits from multiple ecurrencies into one ecurrency and withdraw or purchase new revenue packs quicker.

NoBox also applied for an X-account with Liberty Reserve, what makes our exchanges from and to Liberty Reserve more affordable.

The monitoring and team-builder option should be ready within 72 hours. I already start adding my links, and after some testing, and some more tweaking, NoBox will introduce a team-builder which helps and generates even more revenue to the security-holdback.

Notice: Every extension is producing money to the revenue security-holdback. Most of all, the extensions are making sure NoBox creates money to your wallets.

With the Exit Strategy, NoBox guarantees a switch from a Revenue Share Based program, to an operating business.

The time the exit strategy will be used, I can make sure everyone who still has open revenue packs, get his money back, with interests. Furthermore, NoBox will be able to change into a fully operating business which carry on to produce money for it's members. Not as a Revenue Share anymore, but for individual actions. In other words, the Revenue Packs are paying you up to 250% for helping NoBox to become a recognized business.

My Goal is to make the switch from Revenue Shares to Powerhouse Business by mid 2014. With decreased Revenue Pack Offers during this year of 2013. I have explained this in a different Newsletter. NoBox will reduce the return of investments over time. Not on exiting revenue-packs, but on future sales. Of course, everything will always be announced in advanced.

Do you want to be a successful wealth builder (YOUR Wealth), or do you want to be the wealth chaser, who keeps chasing?

Stop and think about how you'll feel once you joined a wealth builder who don't let you down.

Help me transforming NoBox from a great idea with endless potential, to a business what creates wealth to all of us.

Regards, Karlo
Email bao ve : Hey, just ... Admin rat than thien

Hey, just wanted to inform you, a cashout request on your NoBox account has been compleated.
Below are the transaction details.

Transaction ID:
Completed: Feb 28th, 2013 @ 01:02 am
Amount: $2.00
Fees: $0.00
Net Amount: $2.00
Processor: Liberty Reserve
Processor Account:
Notes: Manual Cashout Request

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Karlo Marek
25-02-2013 - Công khai
Hello Friends and Business Partners,

NoBox just released the latest extension to the NoBox Wealth Building Structure. The Monitor can be found in your Members Area.

Bitcoin on the way.
Not just as a new way of depositing, withdrawing or exchanging money. Bitcoin will open the way for new partners (outside the online investment world) to join the Shopping and Cash-back system once it's in place.

Shortly after Bitcoin, NoBox will deliver the Shopping system, which replaces the Cash-Back method on our site. NoBox will still be offering cash-back's but in a more professional and easier shopping ecosystem.

End March-Mid May 2013
Bank Account Deposit, Exchange and Withdrawal to Bank Accounts World Wide will be supported. Additional the exchange system will be supporting Wallet to Cash-Balance and direct withdrawals. Switching the Exchange to a full currency exchange system, even for none revenue-pack holders.

Mid May 2013
Banner Auction on Banner locations
The Auctions will pay bidders who lost on their Banner Offer 101% back of the bid on Adjustment Friday. Fun way to advertise or make some extra money. I will introduce and explain the system once it's ready.

Mid May 2013
ROI on Revenue-Pack Purchased (Future Sales) reduced to 220% for members, 120% for none Members. Membership offers Adjusted. (Existing Revenue Packs are not effected).

Notice: The revenue-packs reward Members for helping to switch NoBox from an unknown revenue share system to an advertising, exchange, monitor, shopping, cash-back power house. This is the extension and exit strategy. Most rewarded are the people who helped from the very beginning.

June 2013
Revenue-Pack Trading introduced. More information's before the system launches.

More extensions on the way.

Regards, Karlo

P.S. Help me shaping NoBox to become the powerhouse and service provider it was planned to be. In return, I make sure NoBox reward you with daily earnings until your revenue shares are fully paid off.
Karlo Marek : Today I like to explain the "Why!"

Karlo Marek

Today I like to explain the "Why!"

Hi Friends,

In the last NoBox Newsletter, I have refer to the extension and exit strategy.

Today I like to explain the "Why!"

Did you ask yourself, Why? Why did Karlo launch NoBox? Why is the site not just an usual investment? How or Why does NoBox work?

Why did Karlo not just launch an exchange, cash-back, shop and advertisement script? Why he first launches a revenue share program?

Ok, multiple reasons, and I try clearing them up in today's News. It is strongly recommended reading the entire newsletter, so you understand the WHY!

Of course, I could have paid a programmer coming up with a Shop, some Cash-Back feature, combining some traffic exchange, Banner Auction, Member to Member Money transfer, currency exchange, referral link and all the other things I am planing.

It would have cost a fortune programming my vision, and I would have an unproven website, no one would know.

I would need to spend more money on ads, not knowing if the script really works the way I want it, and still not knowing if visitors like the setup, or trust the site using all the features. Spending more money and wasting time to built trust.

Now my approach was different. I launched a revenue share system, knowing I can attract Members. Knowing also I can use parts of their investments to built the system. At the same time building trust to members (by paying them daily). Knowing also the systems are tested, and building a strong Member base once everything works the way it supposed to do.

By the time the system is the way I planned it, NoBox has a strong Member base, who not only know the NoBox environment works, but they are willing to use it as a shop, exchange, monitor etc. Because they became a part of NoBox, YOU were part building it. You also know, I make my vision reality and pay you in the progress.

I might pay a little more in building the system, but I spend nothing anymore on ads, and building a member base. Because once NoBox has all the Extensions, you already be a part of the system. Happily using it and making money on the products. Not anymore on revenue shares.

The approach might be different as most startups would have done it, but I know the industry as a blogger for a long time, and I know this way was never done before. Most of all I know it cost me less, and has a bigger impact.

Be open to new ideas, but not believe what I tell you. Don't either believe or disbelieve what you read on my blog. I don't even want you to accept what I say as the best way. Most of all, please don't read my news and blog then say "Wow! Karlo really knows his stuff!" and then sit down with a bag of chips and watch Downton Abby.

Mere belief in these ideas won't put cash in your pockets. Belief alone won't put food on your table, or a new car in your driveway. Instead, I want you to experience the results of using the NoBox System and Investnote Blog, and the experience I share with you. Experience how your Business and Bank (ecurrency) account's grow. Experience the thrill of having an ever-increasing number of people being a part of your wealth building system. How? By having an open mind and using NoBox for more as just a revenue-share system.

It doesn't matter if you are using NoBox as your advertisement portal. Publish your referral links to other websites. Linking a banner of your blog, or using the Shop once in place to gain cash-backs on products you would have purchased anyway, or just building wealthy purchasing revenue packs.

Bottom line: NoBox will help you to make more money. Building Your Wealth!

Don't buy revenue-packs for what they do for you today - purchase them for what NoBox will do for you tomorrow.

Regards, Karlo

P.S. How upset are you about the current investment scam situations? Be a part of something what makes a difference, to all of us, not just to a program owner. Help me shaping NoBox to the powerhouse needed to the entire wealth building world.
REAL BUSINESS AND HONEST ADMIN Với 1 chương trình thực sự đang hứa hẹn không chỉ là long term mà sẽ còn tồn tại. Toppic này sẽ rất sôi động tớ cá là vậy. Bởi các bạn đều là những con người khôn ngoan biết lựa chọn đúng chương trình đầu tư. 1 CHƯƠNG TRÌNH LONG TERM sẽ là 1 kết quả tốt cho tôi và các bạn. Chúc mọi người sẽ tìm ra đúng chương trình tôt để đặt tùng đồng tiền khó nhọc của mình vào đúng nơi đúng chỗ. Hãy kìm lòng tham lại và chọn lựa .
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Đã hỏi admin rồi nhé HIẾU hi vọng nhận được tin sớm. Mình sẽ post sau.



Hy vọng sẽ làm các bạn hài lòng về admin này . Hãy tham gia đầu tư sớm nhất cùng tôi.
một chương trình lớn & long term payment đang được thực hiện với 1 kế hoạch đã được đưa ra . Mọi thay đổi admin đều thông báo trước cho members. Good admin. Các bạn chịu khó cập nhật thông tin sớm nhé.
Ông này toàn chơi tiếng anh vừa đọc vừa dịch hoa cả mắt :((

- - - Updated - - -

bạn toàn post tiếng anh thế đọc ko hiểu cái gì

Xin lỗi nhé , bạn dùng google dịch là ra ngay mà. Mình cũng dùng trợ giúp đấy chứ tại mình theo dõi trong 4rum nhiều bạn rất ghét kiểu dịch từ GOOGLE ra cái này vừa không hay và hơn nữa tớ cảm thấy không tôn trọng các bạn. Ai biết đâu các bạn toàn PRO tiếng ANH cả tớ dịch ra lại bị cười chê. Và do thông tin admin update hàng ngày quá nhiều và dài tớ mà dịch thì cũng đuối chưa kể dịch lung tung bạn ah. Nên tớ chỉ post vậy thôi cần gi thi buzz qua YAHOO ok không?
What's today? Correct Adjustment Day! This week we have to pay the server and scripting fees, yet managed an equally great return as last week. Once the server clock hits 11:59 PM you will earn!

Adjustment Earnings
None Members: 2.1%
Members: 2.4%

I leave you with shorter news, for an exiting weekend, and hope yours will be equally great.

Don't be part of the herd! Be part in helping me accomplish the NoBox Goal, and built your wealth in the progress.

Regards, Karlo

P.S. Two Newsletters you should really read, to understand how NoBox and I are wired:


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