Stable Passive Income Even in Crisis


Mar 2, 2020

Stable Passive Income Even in Crisis


Are you tired of the ups and downs on the crypto markets?

Are you tired of constantly experiencing these ups and downs in the crypto market?

Do you want a safe investment for that hard earned money?

Is it time to make your money work for you and generate decent returns?

In times of crisis, however, it is not so easy to find a safe and also still lucrative investment. If there is one, probably no one will tell you how it works.


So, what can you do?

Maybe watch the people who have a lot of money and always emerge as winners from crises?

That might be one way - but where to find the time? Where do you get the information and above all how do you know if this information can be trusted?

You would have to consult an expert. But do you want to pay before you see a benefit in the information of this expert? I think NO!

So - what then???

The Farm2EArn team originally came together because of a business option that Thomas Wegener saw, found interesting and implemented.

In his many years of successful work as an investor and advisor in his own projects and cooperations, he has learned to know, follow and use the money flows of the world.

In recent years he has noticed that big money flows more and more into services, which are always needed. Whether it is transport, local traffic, raw materials (wood, earth, oil, water,...) or communication. Most of the markets are already taken and it is not easy for small investors to "earn" there.

Now, through his contacts built up over the years, he got the chance to participate in a project of food production.

This project is about producing Maniuk, corn and wheat in Nigeria for Nigeria. It is essential to know that Nigeria has to import most of its food.

In order to get rid of the import and the dependence on other countries, which was noticed in the C-crisis, Mr. Wegener was offered to take care of the modernization of the production, the clearing of unused arable land and the training of local (already existing) farmers. In return, the Nigerian government promised to buy the entire production at world market prices.

And not only that, even the United Nations and the world-renowned Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a guarantor of success, pledged support for the project.
What better partners could an entrepreneur ask for?

The government of the country with purchase guarantees, the United Nations, which together with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation promised grants in considerable amounts, the Ministry of Agriculture, which takes care of the compliance with the regulations and the necessary permits and approvals, as well as several universities, which will monitor and increase production with the latest research results and last but not least a state insurance, which covers 90% of the complete annual yields, even in the event of a disaster.

Since 2018, Mr. Wegener is now with great success in the cultivation, training and production.

2022 will now become the YEAR when other people can also benefit from all these advantages.

The system is ready and already working. It is hard to ask for better partners than the existing ones and the potential for lucrative expansion of food production in Nigeria is astronomical.

Now blockchain technology came into play. Mr. Wegener wanted to give everyone on this planet, cheap to almost free access to a lucrative passive income. This at best already from 1 USD. Old financial systems would never have allowed this, high fees for transactions and intermediaries would have made the passive income accessible again only to already rich people. So the blockchain with its revolutionary financial services had to step in.

This thought called Farm2Earn into being.

But as you might have guessed, he wanted to offer only the best and safest that the blockchain market is ready to deliver to his upcoming partners.

1. transnational and easily accessible it should be.
2. it should be possible to invest from as little as one USD without any fees.
3. payments and custody of funds should be at the safest and most transparent level.
4. the returns should be safe and lucrative.
5. the token value of the project should not end in pump and dump - it should be stable.
6. the customer should have the possibility to sell or return his token to other investors at any time.
7. and the return should be paid in the strong USD.

What more can I say, congratulations to Mr. Wegener. A real German entrepreneur who always strives for WIN WIN for his partners and customers.

Let me summarize once again:

You benefit here from the professional groundwork of a serial entrepreneur, many engineering hours and data analysis, which even convinced the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the United Nations.

From as little as one USD you can participate in this NoBrainer from anywhere in the world. Uncomplicated, transparent and super secure, only you have full control over your investment.

The returns are generated by a successful real food production company.

The token can be returned to the issuing company at any time.

The returns you get every YEAR on time in hard DOLLAR.

What a revolution.

Now the only limiting factor is the supply of tokens. Just 50,000,000 exist and there will never be more. If not now when do you want to lay your foundation for a financially free life?

Farm2Earn is a stable and secure foundation to achieve safe returns and thus financial security for many decades if necessary.

Do you want to be able to sleep peacefully and still get more out of life? Then do it like BIG Money - here is your chance.


Farm2earn is a real World FoodSupplyProject - which allows every investor worldwide to participate in a simple and secure way in the food supply of mankind. What was previously only possible for well-connected entrepreneurs becomes accessible to everyone here.

The project's token is the SEEDX token on the Polygon Blockchain.

Thomas Wegener is Founder and CEO.



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