HYIP stockfunds-stockfunds.biz site dài ngày có tiềm năng đang prelaunched..!!


Jun 15, 2012
Chú ý: Hình thức đầu tư có rủi ro. Các nhà đầu tư phải cân nhắc kỹ trước khi ra quyết định!
chương trình đang giai đoạn prelaunched chính thức hoạt động ngày 1/8..
1 cơ hội để hình thành hệ thống matrix của chính bạn ngay từ bây giờ..!!

đăng kí ủng hộ:

ở đây bạn không lo vốn nhỏ.. bạn có thể bopr ra 10$ để upgrade tài khoản và lúc đó bạn sẽ thu 2% hằng ngày như acc dep ở mức 110$.


bonus 1$ khi hoàn thành matrix F1, 5$ khi hoàn thành F2.. các bạn có hể tham khảo thêm ở mục bonus ở site..!!

có 2 plan: 10-110$: 1.35% ngày.. 200% sau 150 ngày.
plan 2: 110$-100000$: 2% mỗi ngày..!!

bạn có thể upgrade như trên để tăng thêm số % nhận đc.

Stockfunds.biz is a private investment club created for those who want to improve their financial condition, but do not have economic education and are not the financial experts. Our team has been working in a sphere of FOREX trading for over 8 years and during this time has achieved a very good results and stable income.

FXStock Basic Plan The minimum to invest in Trial plan is $10 and the maximum is $100.00 so its main purpose is testing the system. This Plan pays a stable 1.35% every single day for 150 days, so the investor is supposed to be in 200% profit after 150 days .

FXStock Professional Plan The minimum to invest in Professional plan is $110.00 and the maximum is $100,000.00. The Professional Plan pays a stable 2.00% every single day for 150 days, so the investor is supposed to be in 300% profit after 150 days .

Referral Commission Plan Anyone can join in our referral program, Active Investors and Free Members will earn a 6% Referral commission of all deposits made by their direct referrals and an addiotional 4% indirect referral commission made by your indirect referral deposits. For example, you refer Teddy and he deposits $1,000, you will earn $60.00 referral bonus that you can withdraw anytime. And if Teddy refers Suewho deposits $1,000.00 , you will receive an additional $40.00 bonus. That makes a total 10% referral commission two-tier.

  • All payments are made to your account Daily.
  • Highly Stable and profitable returns
  • No sponsoring Requirements.
  • Earn between 1.35% - 2.00% stable earnings daily
  • Up to 300% ROI depending on your choosen plan
  • You can compound your earnings daily.
  • STP, Egopay, LR and PM accepted
  • 10% Referral Commission. Two- tier
  • Customers privacy protection
  • You're offered a 24x7x365 customer support
  • Small minimum investment from $10 and above
  • No hidden/administration fee
  • DDoS protected Server

link đăng kí:
hệ thống ref: 6% cho F1, 4% cho F2..
2 cấp.. ok!!

thông tin: pm: ngocnhan_ydh
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