[ Test PTC ] Buxy World and BuxBaz


Jul 8, 2010
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Chú ý: Hình thức đầu tư có rủi ro. Các nhà đầu tư phải cân nhắc kỹ trước khi ra quyết định!
trang này mới ra làm Offer lại thấy :D, nên mình tuyển member test site nha ( các bạn phải chăm click tý ) !!!

Thông Tin Cho Anh Em

Standard Membership

- Free (unlimited)
- Earn 50% of every ad one of your referrals - direct or rented - clicks (-> max. 0.01$ per click)
- Payout Minimum is $2 and every time you cashout it rises one dollar until you reach $10
- Direct Referral Limit: 20
- Rented Referral Limit: 300
- Rent Referrals Packages: 3,10,25,50,70,100
- Recycle Costs: 0.08$
- Rent Referrals once a week
- Cashout once a week

Dear Members!

Today - on 1st September 2010 - BuxyWorld official launches.

We used the Pre-Launch to find and fix bugs and problems on our website. We think everything is running fine at the moment, but please report any bugs and problems in the future as you did in Pre-Launch.

We hope you like our Paid-to-Click-Service and enjoy your time on BuxyWorld.com.

We would like to use this great day to thank you for your assistance and your support. We think BuxyWorld is on the best way to become a long-staying and safety PTC-service, that offers an opportunity to earn money on the internet for everyone!

As the first members got paid in the last days, you can trust us more than ever. You can see every completed payout by clicking "Proof of Payments" on the bottom of the page.

We would like to give you a little present - in form of discounts in Membership Upgrades and our first Purchase Contest. Additionally, we will offer you Membership Upgrades for 3 months in the next 10 days.

Membership Discounts

> Golden Membership: $90/year -------> new Price: $79

> Ultimate Membership: $490/year -----> new Price: $390

New Membership Terms

> Golden Membership: 3 Months -----> $25

> Ultimate Membership: 3 Months -----> $99

We alredy setup the new prices and running-times. You can upgrade as cheap as never before by clicking // UPGRADE ACCOUNT // in your Account overview.


In addition, we are proud to present you the 1st official Purchase Contest on BuxyWorld!

Start: 1st September 2010, 0:00

End: 10st September 2010, 23:59

From now on, every single purchase made via PayPal, AlertPay and LibertyReserve, will be counted in our contest. All Memberships Upgrades will count too!

We will give away great prices to the 20 users who purchase the most money into their Balance and/or Upgrade their Memberships.

1. Price: 1 year Ultimate Membership + $100 into your Rental Balance
2. Price: 1/2 year Ultimate Membership + $100 into your Rental Balance
3. Price: 1/2 year Ultimate Membership + $70 into your Rental Balance
4. Price: 3 months Ultimate Membership + $60 into your Rental Balance
5. Price: 1 year Golden Membership + $50 into your Rental Balance
6. Price: 1/2 year Golden Membership + $40 into your Rental Balance
7. Price: 1/2 year Golden Membership + $20 into your Rental Balance
8. Price: 3 months Golden Membership + $10 into your Rental Balance
9- 20. Price: 1 month Golden Membership + $5 into your Rental Balance

That means we are giving more than $3,000 for prices! Take this opportunity to multiply your earnings just by purchasing money or buying memberships.

Here you will see the stats of Place 1-20 updated every day:


We hope many members will use this offer - there aren't any further Membership Discounts planned in the next time.

We would like to say Thank You to all users who made this project working and even better in the future. Thank you very much.

All the best and good earnings on BuxyWorld in the future!

With the very best regards



Link Đăng Ký

ref back cho anh em 90% luôn nhé :D

Venito ( Site mở từ ngày 11/8 đến giờ đã có proof )


Standard Membership
Your Click: $0.005(Standard Ad) $0.0075(Extended Ad) $0.0025(Short Ad)
Referral Click: $0.0025(Standard Ad) $0.0037(Extended Ad) $0.0012(Short Ad)

Your Click: $0.01(Standard Ad) $0.02(Extended Ad) $0.005(Short Ad)
Referral Click: $0.01(Standard Ad) $0.02(Extended Ad) $0.005(Short Ad)

The minimum payout is set at $2 for the first cashout, $3 for the second, $4 for the third and $5 for every one after that.

Once you reach the minimum amount, you can withdraw your money to either AlertPay or Paypal

Yesterday we started our pre-launch . There are few things you should know about the pre-launch time .

1 . Cashouts are available .
2. No instant Payout untill the end of pre-launch .
3. All your referrals will be saved after the pre-launch .
4. All your money , on your main balance and rental balance will be save after the pre-launch. ( advertiser balance will be set to $0, so be sure use it all ) .
5. The current rates are %50 less then after the launch (standard users) :
Mini ( 15 sec. ) - Now: $0.0025 , After Launch: $0.005 .
Normal ( 30 sec. ) - Now: $0.005 , After Launch: $0.01 .
Extended ( 60 sec. ) - Now: $0.0075 , After Launch: $0.0125 .
The advertising prices are %50 lower too , so you should have more ads .
6. Current Paying processors are : Alertpay , PayPal . After the launch we will add NETELLER and LibertyReserve . (maybe sooner) .

Link Đăng Ký


ref back cho anh em 90% luôn nhé :D

Scam site ref back 30% cho anh em. Reg xong nhớ click đều ủng hộ mình nhé

thể theo nhiều yêu cầu và ý kiến đóng góp của các bạn chủ hội khác, mình sẽ ref back 2 tuần 1 lần cho anh em :), nhưng ref back tuần thì anh em phải post proof để được nhận ref back lần 2 :D

Có khá nhiều anh em reg xong bỏ đó nên một lần nữa mình khuyên là anh em nào không click thì đừng reg :), vừa tốn time lại phí công sức !

Như mọi khi anh em cứ báo danh :
User name :
PayPal :
Y/H :
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