you need to define some variables in the script YOURSELF!
I've posted this before, but with a little less information about it.
Most of you guys probably did not understand how to actually make good use of this.
Lets go, shall we?
Our method involves a system that bets on the outcome of future bitcoin blocks.
Using a simple calculation we can ( more or less ) predict the outcome.
You start as a level 1 Peon, but with time you will earn a decent amount of satoshi.
First you must create an account at the following website: blockfaucet
Make sure to enter your correct BTC address.
Once registered, download iMacro ( I wrote the auto-pilot script on FireFox, but should work for Chrome aswell )
Copy the following script:
Go to
Find the average bitcoins sent per hour.
Find the avarage blocks per hour.
Do a simple calculation: avarage bitcoins per hour / avarage blocks per hour
( example: 164,032 / 7.63 = 21498 )
AtPUTMINHERE you should write average - 2500
At PUTMINHERE you should write average + 2500
Line will look like SET randomNumber EVAL("var min = 18210; var max = 23750; var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; randomNumber;")
Here you can receive free satoshis without time limit: blockfaucet
I've posted this before, but with a little less information about it.
Most of you guys probably did not understand how to actually make good use of this.
Lets go, shall we?
Our method involves a system that bets on the outcome of future bitcoin blocks.
Using a simple calculation we can ( more or less ) predict the outcome.
You start as a level 1 Peon, but with time you will earn a decent amount of satoshi.
First you must create an account at the following website: blockfaucet
Make sure to enter your correct BTC address.
Once registered, download iMacro ( I wrote the auto-pilot script on FireFox, but should work for Chrome aswell )
Copy the following script:
' set the amount of satoshi per ***
SET gameMode 20
' browse to the correct game mode
URL GOTO={{gameMode}}
SET randomNumber EVAL("var min = PUTMINHERE; var max = PUTMAXHERE; var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; randomNumber;")
SET humanDelay EVAL("var min = 7; var max = 15; var humanDelay = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; humanDelay;")
SET endDelay EVAL("var min = 15; var max = 25; var endDelay = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; endDelay;")
WAIT SECONDS={{humanDelay}}
TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:NUMBER ATTR=ID:guess-amount CONTENT={{randomNumber}}
WAIT SECONDS={{endDelay}}
Go to
Find the average bitcoins sent per hour.
Find the avarage blocks per hour.
Do a simple calculation: avarage bitcoins per hour / avarage blocks per hour
( example: 164,032 / 7.63 = 21498 )
AtPUTMINHERE you should write average - 2500
At PUTMINHERE you should write average + 2500
Line will look like SET randomNumber EVAL("var min = 18210; var max = 23750; var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; randomNumber;")
Here you can receive free satoshis without time limit: blockfaucet