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Jun 20, 2015
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Thêm thông tin về Pura Coin :);)
Chris Maskill

Inventor, Creator, Brand Strategist, and Marketing man on a mission to empower people and protect the planet right by your side.
Offering 10 years of Product Management, Business Analysis and Project Management experience in software development projects, combined with a Marketing degree and 6 years of Marketing, Branding and Positioning experience I am confident I can bring unique value to the Avalon-Life product suite.

I love to create the emotion around products needed to inspire people to act, identify with a result or mission, and stick with us long-term.
Some of the ways I’m passionate about doing that are through shaping a vision, creating a stand-out concept or user experience, translating that into detailed product requirements, or designing a brand that resonates with people’s hearts and minds.
A free-time yoga and meditation teacher, energy channel, and spiritual truth seeker, my brain has a good balance between thinker and feeler, and together with our talented team, my focus will first be Green Earth, and making Pura stand out as a unique and purpose-driven brand that is the best possible cryptocurrency for people and the world.
Pura will take a couple of months to mature, but when it does I think you’re going love using it, and feel proud you own it.

Special thanks to Markus Milacek, Tom Koller and Thomas Graf for believing in my crazy ideas and giving me the opportunity to combine it with their already genius ideas to create something even more awesome, as well as thanks to Sascha, Kranzi, Tolis, Verena, Anka, Dominika, Daniel, Simon, Georg, Greg, Luis, Carlos and everyone else in the community, too many to mention here, who turned my attention onto Avalon and supported me from the very beginning.

Honoured to be here and ecstatic to serve by your side in this next level community. Thank you!
Note: I’d love for us to all meet personally and evolve our DAOs together, but since that is going to take time, and could be impractical given our community size, I have decided to share some personal words on why I am here and the vision I have for us below, for reading at your optional interest, should you so wish.

(Duration: 3min reading + 7min video)

Why I am here and where I would like to see us go:

Not so long ago, during an inspired and passionate presentation about Avalon, a great man by the name of Sascha Nowak once said:

“Don’t try to make the decision (to start with crypto and Avalon) from the head, based on logic and facts alone. Instead feel it in the heart and decide from there”.

It was in that moment, hearing those words, that something inside me shifted.

I immediately knew I was in the right place.

Up until that point I didn’t fully “get” crypto; I was interested in making money.

But the Avalon vision touched my heart. I was inspired.

I studied DAOs, decentralisation, Green Earth, the Avalon values… and the intuitive heart inside all of us helped my brain make the connections.

Avalon plugs you into a higher purpose, and like many of you it eventually “clicked”…

I finally got “The Avalon Aha!”

The orientation of living from the heart must not be underestimated.

The head is very clever. It looks at the heart and laughs, judging it as weak, immature and irrational. It can be tricky like that.

However, contrary to what the head thinks, thanks to studies of the heart the opposite is scientifically proven to be true.

“We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them” (Albert Einstein)
Today’s world is largely a result of letting the HEAD lead us;

-environmental damage
-extremes in climate
-the failure of unsustainable economies
-the largest shift in wealth in the history of the earth to the smallest % of the population
-the growing competition for decreasing resources
-extremes in corruption, manipulation and spying

...and the result is fear, separation and heartbreak.

The head lives in duality; It was designed to divide and separate the world, and make value judgements in split-seconds about what something means to our survival.

And it does an excellent job at keeping us alive.

But allowing the head to lead only takes us so far, and is in fact a mistake of lower consciousness.

It makes people decide to cut down rainforests in a weekend, that took 60-100 million years to evolve, in order buy themselves a bigger house, or provide a life of luxury for their family, at the expense of our children’s future.

It makes us think we’re superior to others, in competition for survival, or that we need to manipulate, dominate and control people through wars, the control of the money supply, and by spying on their web searches, email accounts, and social media likes.

The result is unsustainable, and it has to end now.

The good news is more and more people are waking up.

Avalon reaches into that pain and pulls out sustainable solutions… before it’s too late.

Here’s how I see it…

Nobody can focus on saving the world before they’ve saved themselves
→ Avalon provides a passive income mining solution to financial independence, and the first experiences of a new liberty made possible through borderless cryptocurrencies, decentralisation and blockchain technology.

When people are not too worried about money anymore Avalon provides “the next levels”:

→ meaning and life purpose: Avalon provides a vehicle to express your values, and feel alive by helping empower others in your network, while supporting the planet.

→ a sense of belonging to an awesome community: Avalon brings like-minded people together in a high-value collaborative network effect, that gives us a glimpse of what a heart-based nation or DAO could look like.

→ support and security to live in a post-fiat, crypto-only world: Avalon brings us the education program, crypto-travel portal, Avalon Nation and Pura...

→ upgraded health, through the most important and majority element in our bodies… Avalon brings us alkaline drinking water

The list goes on...

The effect?

Here’s one perspective...

Avalon-Life elevates the mind by helping to solve the fears the head had to deal with when it was in survival mode.

It quietens the mind of worry and anxiety, and gives peaceful space for the heart to lead again.

In doing so it re-creates the land of Avalon, that magical place where we were all supposed to live; Happy, free, in harmony.

What Avalon represents doesn’t have to be just a fairy-tale. Through a simple, non-violent choice to learn and live a decentralised crypto-lifestyle, we take steps to make the ideal real, and create a better future.

The cryptocurrency movement is not the first attempt to provide alternatives to powerful and established structures.

From “micronation" movements to utopian societies, many have come and gone with little success because they failed to address one of the most powerful mechanisms in society fully enough… the control of the money supply.

Aspects of cryptocurrency like decentralisation directly deal with this and we now have a real chance to redistribute and rebalance society for the better.

This is a game-changer.

I’ve never cared much for astrology, but I can imagine the electromagnetic effect of massive planets and stars influencing our consciousness in some way. If the astrologers, Hopi Indians, and ancient civilizations are right though, then this New World or Age of Aquarius they speak of is a time when humanity takes control of the Earth and its own destiny.

The result is the revelation of truth and the expansion of consciousness.

Centralisation represents holding on to the old “head”-consciousness. Fear, separation… control…

But the Heartmath Institute, USA, scientifically proves that heart-based living leads to intuitive solutions for global challenges and the transformation of our world and consciousness.

In my opinion then, decentralisation, combined with heart-based living is the solution to many of the world’s problems, and THE cause of our times worth supporting.

What better place in the world to do this than at Avalon-life?

Is the crypto and DAO movement going to make mistakes along the way?

Absolutely! We’re going to fall as often as a baby learning to walk, as we learn to rely on ourselves and each other, in the age of personal responsibility and collaboration, instead of relying on corporations, politicians, institutions, and big government.

But when we can finally stand, we will be able to more clearly see this land of new possibilities.

Avalon-life, after just one year isn’t the complete or only solution. But it sure is special and it sure is brave.

Let’s restore the world back to the Garden of Eden it was supposed to be.

Let’s empower people and support the planet!!


For the science behind heart-based living please do check out this video from HeartMath Institute USA:…/the-hearts-intuitive-intellige…/

One Heart.

Chris Maskill
Bác cho em hỏi, hiện nay giá BIT là 2k8 thì 1mhs=?$ v ạ??? Cảm ơn bác.
- Gói đào ở Avalon tính theo giá $, nên BTC lên hay xuống không ảnh hưởng tới nạp và lợi nhuận của Avalon. Với giá sau khi mua gói đối tác cao nhất là 7000$ được 1000Mh/s, gói thấp nhất là 99$ được 10Mh/s, vì vậy mua gói càng lớn càng tối ưu bác nhé.
Last edited:
- Hiện tại Avalon chính thức áp dụng công nghệ Blockchain vào các hợp đồng mua bán. Các bạn có thể mua bán đất xanh ở đây:
- Trước tiên Avalon sử dụng công nghệ của Nem Coin, thông tin các bạn tìm hiểu ở đây:…/avalon-life-puts-land-ownership-on-th…
- Thời gian tương lai Avalon sẽ sử dụng 100% đồng Pura và áp dụng 100% công nghệ DAO trên chính Pura Coin.
- Khuyến nghĩ: Mua Pura Coin và Nem Coin trữ dài hạn.

- Chúc các bạn thành công.


Jun 24, 2012
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- Hiện tại Avalon chính thức áp dụng công nghệ Blockchain vào các hợp đồng mua bán. Các bạn có thể mua bán đất xanh ở đây:
- Trước tiên Avalon sử dụng công nghệ của Nem Coin, thông tin các bạn tìm hiểu ở đây:…/avalon-life-puts-land-ownership-on-th…
- Thời gian tương lai Avalon sẽ sử dụng 100% đồng Pura và áp dụng 100% công nghệ DAO trên chính Pura Coin.
- Khuyến nghĩ: Mua Pura Coin và Nem Coin trữ dài hạn.

- Chúc các bạn thành công.

Giá Pura Coin và Nem Coin hiện tại tỉ giá là bao nhiêu $ vậy bạn và xem tỉ giá

2 đồng này ở đâu vậy. Cảm ơn bạn. :)


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