Help Cleanfile đã die

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chuyện thường ngày... giờ vào dc rùi.
Này thì vào đc nè bạn nguyenduong90
Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, [email protected] and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Up cleanfiles đã chính thức die. sever die rồi. Các bác offer có biết net nào ngon gần bằng cleanfiles chỉ mình với
Ps: Mình chơi traffic thực không cheat bác nào biết net ngon có thể ibox được không
vẫn vào dc, vẫn check dc, và vẫn nói chuyện dc với sp, và traffic vẫn đến. ai bảo die vậy! site nào cũng có thể bị bệnh mà
Có lẽ nâng cấp sever :D
Error 522 Ray ID: dfa1e4ff07300c4

Connection timed out
Welcome to the new server!

by Kyle » 20 Dec 2013 05:24
This is (probably) the last server change we will ever go through! Cleanfiles is now sitting on two monster servers, a load balancer, and Cloudflare. Say goodbye to hosting issues!

Very sorry about the 500 internal errors. They were caused by a cPanel update that mis-configured server software. After hours of debugging, we decided to just make the switch to the new server!

The forum was also updated, meaning we lost a lot of the mods that we had ('Thanks' was a mod). Please use this thread to post your suggestions and any errors on the new server.
CleanFiles System Administrator.
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