Help Có ai có cho mình biẾt ĐỢt cree này sao không vẬy >.<

đa số các site toàn chạy adc đc mùa thì net nhận đc các quảng cáo good tức là có 1 số nhà quảng cáo liên hệ với các NET và muốn NET quảng bá sản phẩm của họ 1 t/g ngắn nhất ... thường thì các quảng cáo này leads rất mạnh và mau hết hạn... :D
Mình mới làm, 2 ngày được có 8 mail. Nhưng mỗi mail mình làm được từ 5-7 off. Thế mà khi nhận cre được mỗi 1 acc và chỉ có 2 off được cre. Tổng cộng là 0.5$. Mọi người làm lâu cho mình xin ít kinh nghiệm với.
1 mail mình có nên làm hết off ko, hay chỉ làm 1-2 cái dễ ăn thôi???. Và mail thì chủ yếu mình làm mail yahoo. Mọi người có thể chỉ cho mình tại sao acc của mình bị trượt, và cái được thì cũng chỉ có 1-2 off được chấp nhận ko??
hỏi mấy thằng admin sao nó chọn off ngu ấy.không biết con nào dễ cre mà chọn.toàn mấy con email submit thì trời mới biết lúc nào nó cre
ủa.Mình test thử 7acc có 6acc được off được có 1,7$ huhu đang gõ capcha ngon trớn tự nhiên anh rủ em qua offer làm cái gì zậy hả trời.Mua HMA rồi xóa hết ứng dụng.thế mà...
Mình mới làm, 2 ngày được có 8 mail. Nhưng mỗi mail mình làm được từ 5-7 off. Thế mà khi nhận cre được mỗi 1 acc và chỉ có 2 off được cre. Tổng cộng là 0.5$. Mọi người làm lâu cho mình xin ít kinh nghiệm với.
1 mail mình có nên làm hết off ko, hay chỉ làm 1-2 cái dễ ăn thôi???. Và mail thì chủ yếu mình làm mail yahoo. Mọi người có thể chỉ cho mình tại sao acc của mình bị trượt, và cái được thì cũng chỉ có 1-2 off được chấp nhận ko??
Cậu mới như vậy đã than rồi, người ta làm hết tất cả các off còn chưa nói gì, mà nếu có làm off dễ ăn thì cũng phải 5-8 off chứ làm kiểu 1-2 off như cậu thì ăn cái gì? Mail làm off thì tất cả các loại mail luôn, đừng dùng mail yahoo nhiều quá.
Đợt này cre site nào cũng thấp nên đừng phàn nàn gì nữa. Giờ là thời điểm đầu tháng nên cre thường cao hơn, cậu cứ chiến đi.
Nếu acc nào cậu cũng làm hết off, làm đúng theo rules và nguyên tắc mà cre vẫn thấp thì lúc nãy hãy nói nhé.

---------- Post added at 12:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:51 PM ----------

ủa.Mình test thử 7acc có 6acc được off được có 1,7$ huhu đang gõ capcha ngon trớn tự nhiên anh rủ em qua offer làm cái gì zậy hả trời.Mua HMA rồi xóa hết ứng dụng.thế mà...
Cậu đừng vội than vãn, còn nhiều người cre thấp hơn cậu nữa. Mà mới vô offer mà bị quan vậy rồi thì sao mà chiến đc nữa, thường thì mới đầu làm rất thấp, cậu phải chiến nhiều và nhiệt tình thì mới có kết quả tốt đẹp được.
Cậu đừng vội than vãn, còn nhiều người cre thấp hơn cậu nữa. Mà mới vô offer mà bị quan vậy rồi thì sao mà chiến đc nữa, thường thì mới đầu làm rất thấp, cậu phải chiến nhiều và nhiệt tình thì mới có kết quả tốt đẹp được
dụ dỗ trẻ thơ :binhsua06:
Cậu mới như vậy đã than rồi, người ta làm hết tất cả các off còn chưa nói gì, mà nếu có làm off dễ ăn thì cũng phải 5-8 off chứ làm kiểu 1-2 off như cậu thì ăn cái gì? Mail làm off thì tất cả các loại mail luôn, đừng dùng mail yahoo nhiều quá.
Đợt này cre site nào cũng thấp nên đừng phàn nàn gì nữa. Giờ là thời điểm đầu tháng nên cre thường cao hơn, cậu cứ chiến đi.
Nếu acc nào cậu cũng làm hết off, làm đúng theo rules và nguyên tắc mà cre vẫn thấp thì lúc nãy hãy nói nhé.

---------- Post added at 12:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:51 PM ----------

Cậu đừng vội than vãn, còn nhiều người cre thấp hơn cậu nữa. Mà mới vô offer mà bị quan vậy rồi thì sao mà chiến đc nữa, thường thì mới đầu làm rất thấp, cậu phải chiến nhiều và nhiệt tình thì mới có kết quả tốt đẹp được.

E làm trung bình là 7 off mà bác, có phải 1-2 đâu. Cũng ko hẳn e than vãn, e chỉ muốn các bác có kinh nghiệm góp ý xem thông thường ko được off là do đâu để e tránh thôi. E cứ tưởng làm con nào đến congratulation cũng được cre hết á :D
:( off down đâu phải nguyên nhân chính miss acc hơn 50% chỉ có 33% là được cree mà cree thì ăn rất thấp @@
Offers download các mems ko chịu làm.. 1 acc làm vài off thì sao lead đc :-s

---------- Post added at 02:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:55 PM ----------

Mình mới làm, 2 ngày được có 8 mail. Nhưng mỗi mail mình làm được từ 5-7 off. Thế mà khi nhận cre được mỗi 1 acc và chỉ có 2 off được cre. Tổng cộng là 0.5$. Mọi người làm lâu cho mình xin ít kinh nghiệm với.
1 mail mình có nên làm hết off ko, hay chỉ làm 1-2 cái dễ ăn thôi???. Và mail thì chủ yếu mình làm mail yahoo. Mọi người có thể chỉ cho mình tại sao acc của mình bị trượt, và cái được thì cũng chỉ có 1-2 off được chấp nhận ko??
Vãi .mới làm 1 acc đc 0.5$ muốn tới đâu nữa cậu.tớ chỉ cần thế thôi nè =))
đợt này tớ thấy cre của các mems biết làm những con download cũng tương đối ổn định. còn các mems khác có thể là do bỏ offer download hoặc chỉ download và không cài đặt và chưa có kinh nghiệm làm những con này.
Mình mới làm, 2 ngày được có 8 mail. Nhưng mỗi mail mình làm được từ 5-7 off. Thế mà khi nhận cre được mỗi 1 acc và chỉ có 2 off được cre. Tổng cộng là 0.5$. Mọi người làm lâu cho mình xin ít kinh nghiệm với.
1 mail mình có nên làm hết off ko, hay chỉ làm 1-2 cái dễ ăn thôi???. Và mail thì chủ yếu mình làm mail yahoo. Mọi người có thể chỉ cho mình tại sao acc của mình bị trượt, và cái được thì cũng chỉ có 1-2 off được chấp nhận ko??

ac ac vậy mà than 202acc có 16$ nè đang muốn chết luôn câu nhiêu đó ngon quá ròi :((

---------- Post added at 06:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:23 PM ----------

dụ dỗ trẻ thơ :binhsua06:

dụ dỗ gì cậu sự thật là vậy mà. câu ko tin mình đưa cree cậu xem làm 100h=202acc=16$ đó

---------- Post added at 06:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:25 PM ----------

đợt này tớ thấy cre của các mems biết làm những con download cũng tương đối ổn định. còn các mems khác có thể là do bỏ offer download hoặc chỉ download và không cài đặt và chưa có kinh nghiệm làm những con này.
loveland ơi site way làm hết of down lẩn off thường nè chiến 15 ngày với pink và hoàng cva cuối cùng vậy đó ăn được mổi off game house vãi lúa
ac ac vậy mà than 202acc có 16$ nè đang muốn chết luôn câu nhiêu đó ngon quá ròi :((

---------- Post added at 06:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:23 PM ----------

dụ dỗ gì cậu sự thật là vậy mà. câu ko tin mình đưa cree cậu xem làm 100h=202acc=16$ đó

---------- Post added at 06:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:25 PM ----------

loveland ơi site way làm hết of down lẩn off thường nè chiến 15 ngày với pink và hoàng cva cuối cùng vậy đó ăn được mổi off game house vãi lúa
HÌnh như group bác có vấn đề, mà kiếm site khác chiến đi bác
cái này hay nè :)) cho cậu chức phó giám đốc đó :))

---------- Post added at 08:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:31 PM ----------

có lời giải thích nào ko net mỗi site mổi khác chứ đâu có vụ 1 net cha nội.

:D ko khác đâu bạn à, các site mới thì mình chưa xem wa nhưng mấy cái site mấy bạn kia kể trên toàn dùng 1 net
Mình ăn mấy em dơnload ngon chán mà.UP cho cái bảng cre site way..:D:D
Site này làm có 17 mail thì phải,,,

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GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
SmartSurvey Pro! ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
Speedy Rewards - US - Walmart ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
SmartSurvey Pro! ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
SmartSurvey Pro! ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
Page Rage ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
SmartSurvey Pro! ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.5 )
FB Downloader Plus! ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
SmartSurvey Pro! ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
Mình ăn mấy em dơnload ngon chán mà.UP cho cái bảng cre site way..:D:D
Site này làm có 17 mail thì phải,,,

[email protected] (0.3 )
FB Downloader Plus! ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

[email protected] (0.8 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
SmartSurvey Pro! ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
Speedy Rewards - US - Walmart ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
SmartSurvey Pro! ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
SmartSurvey Pro! ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (1 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
Page Rage ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
SmartSurvey Pro! ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.5 )
FB Downloader Plus! ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
SmartSurvey Pro! ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Cậu có yh ko cho mình xin đi :D
xem mems bên tớ làm nè

trúng như pháo
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GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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LOCAL JOB RUSH ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

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Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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2011 HALLOWEEN CANDY ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.7 )
Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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Youtube Now ( Date: 16/11/2011 0.20 )

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LOCAL JOB RUSH ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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LOCAL JOB RUSH ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

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College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
2011 HALLOWEEN CANDY ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.8 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

LOCAL JOB RUSH ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Speedy Rewards - US - Walmart ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

LOCAL JOB RUSH ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.7 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

LOCAL JOB RUSH ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.5 )
Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

Page Rage ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
LOCAL JOB RUSH ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.5 )
Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.7 )
Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.5 )
Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
2011 HALLOWEEN CANDY ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.8 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
LOCAL JOB RUSH ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.5 )
Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.5 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.5 )
Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.9 )
Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

Page Rage ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.9 )
Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.5 )
Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.8 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.5 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
2011 HALLOWEEN CANDY ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.5 )
Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Page Rage ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.3 )
Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

[email protected] (0.3 )
Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.5 )
Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

LOCAL JOB RUSH ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.5 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.5 )
Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

LOCAL JOB RUSH ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.7 )
Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

LOCAL JOB RUSH ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.7 )
Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.8 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

LOCAL JOB RUSH ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Page Rage ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.9 )
Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Page Rage ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.7 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Email Submit: ElectronicsSource - Nintendo DSi ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.7 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.5 )
Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Page Rage ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.8 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.5 )
Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

LOCAL JOB RUSH ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
LOCAL JOB RUSH ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.5 )
Free Youtube Downloader ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.30 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Page Rage ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Page Rage ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.6 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
College Bowl Football Survey ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
GameHouse: Mahjongg Medley ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
SmartSurvey Pro ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.4 )
Beadz Games ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

The Freebie Fix ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )

[email protected] (0.2 )
Youtube Now ( Date: 01/12/2011 0.20 )
Last edited by a moderator:
Total Email: 70
Total Point: 0, Total Credit: 51.1, Total Cash: 0

[email protected] (0.85 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[TM] Atlas Car insurance ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.3 Credits)

[email protected] (0.6 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[Nd] Win Cash 24-7 ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)

[email protected] (0.55 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)

[email protected] (0.45 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)

[email protected] (0.5 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)

[email protected] (1.15 Credits)
2 [1B] Southwest Tickets ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.3 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[ND] Countless Coupons ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.3 Credits)

[email protected] (0.5 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax FreeSites Newsletter [TM] ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] The Freebie Fix ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)

[email protected] (0.3 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)

[email protected] (1.4 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[Nd] Coupon Caboodle ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.3 Credits)
[Nd] ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.25 Credits)
[TM] Atlas Car insurance ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.3 Credits)

[email protected] (0.95 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax FreeSites Newsletter [TM] ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[Nd] Win Cash 24-7 ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[TM] US Consumer Opinion ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.25 Credits)

[email protected] (0.9 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[Nd] Win Cash 24-7 ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
6AAAA [TM] $1500 Groupon Featured Deal Of The Day ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.3 Credits)

[email protected] (0.7 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax FreeSites Newsletter [TM] ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[Nd] Win Cash 24-7 ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)

[email protected] (1.5 Credits)
1 [1B] Win lunch for a year at Wendy ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.3 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[ND] Countless Coupons ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.3 Credits)
[Nd] ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.25 Credits)

[email protected] (0.85 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[ND] Countless Coupons ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.3 Credits)

[email protected] (0.8 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax FreeSites Newsletter [TM] ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[TM] US Consumer Opinion ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.25 Credits)

[email protected] (1.05 Credits)
6AAAA [1B] $500 a week for 100 weeks ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.3 Credits)
1 [1B] Win a Victorias Secret Gift Card worth $1,500! ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.3 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)

[email protected] (1.05 Credits)
6AAAA [1B] Win a Mazda Miata MX-5 Convertible and $20,000 C ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.3 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[ND] Countless Coupons ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.3 Credits)

[email protected] (0.8 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[ND] Countless Coupons ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.3 Credits)
[Nd] Win Cash 24-7 ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)

[email protected] (0.85 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[Nd] Win Cash 24-7 ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[TM] Atlas Car insurance ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.3 Credits)

[email protected] (0.5 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[Nd] Local Job Rush ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)

[email protected] (0.95 Credits)
[AD] 2011 HALLOWEEN CANDY ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.2 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[ND] Countless Coupons ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.3 Credits)

[email protected] (0.65 Credits)
2 [1B] Southwest Tickets ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.3 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)

[email protected] (1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[ND] Countless Coupons ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.3 Credits)
[Nd] ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.25 Credits)

[email protected] (0.85 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax FreeSites Newsletter [TM] ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[Nd] Win Cash 24-7 ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[TM] Pizza Survey - Email Submit ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.25 Credits)

[email protected] (0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)

[email protected] (0.6 Credits)
2 [1B] Southwest Tickets ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.3 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)

[email protected] (0.55 Credits)
[AD] 2011 HALLOWEEN CANDY ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.2 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)

[email protected] (0.55 Credits)
[1B] Beauty Discount Club ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.25 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)

[email protected] (0.75 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
2 [TM] Win an Aspen Ski Resort Getaway ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.3 Credits)

[email protected] (1 Credits)
2 [1B] Win $1,500 Gas Card and Get $75 worth of coupons ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.3 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[AD] The Freebie Fix ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[Nd] ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.25 Credits)

[email protected] (0.9 Credits)
6AAAA [1B] Win a $50,000 Scholarship or $50,000 cash ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.3 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[ND] Countless Coupons ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.3 Credits)

[email protected] (0.7 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[AD] The Freebie Fix ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[Nd] Win Cash 24-7 ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)

[email protected] (0.65 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)

[email protected] (0.55 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax FreeSites Newsletter [TM] ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)

[email protected] (0.8 Credits)
6AAAA [1B] Win a $1,500 ebay shopping spree! ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.3 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[Nd] Local Job Rush ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)

[email protected] (0.6 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax FreeSites Newsletter [TM] ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[Nd] Win Cash 24-7 ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)

[email protected] (0.35 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)

[email protected] (0.6 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[Nd] Coupon Caboodle ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.3 Credits)

[email protected] (0.35 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)

[email protected] (0.95 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax FreeSites Newsletter [TM] ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[AD] The Freebie Fix ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[TM] 2012 Election ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.3 Credits)

[email protected] (0.45 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)

[email protected] (0.65 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[Nd] Coupon Caboodle ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.3 Credits)

[email protected] (1.15 Credits)
1 [1B] Win a Victorias Secret Gift Card worth $1,500! ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.3 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[Nd] Coupon Caboodle ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.3 Credits)
[Nd] ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.25 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] The Freebie Fix ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)

[email protected] (0.8 Credits)
[AD] 2011 HALLOWEEN CANDY ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.2 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[Nd] ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.25 Credits)

[email protected] (1.2 Credits)
1 [1B] Win lunch for a year at Wendy ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.3 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax FreeSites Newsletter [TM] ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[TM] US Consumer Opinion ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.25 Credits)

[email protected] (0.55 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax FreeSites Newsletter [TM] ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.15 Credits)

[email protected] (1.1 Credits)
6AAAA [1B] Win a Mazda Miata MX-5 Convertible and $20,000 C ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.3 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
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[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
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[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
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[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
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[1B] Sweet Daily Deals ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.25 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
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[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
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[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
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[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
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[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
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[email protected] (1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
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[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
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[1B] Sweet Daily Deals ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.25 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
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[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
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[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 30/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
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[1B] Sweet Daily Deals ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.25 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
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[AD] Arcamax - Freebies ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
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[email protected] (0.85 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Free Sites Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Health and Fitness ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Sports Update Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] Arcamax - Weird News Newsletter ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.1 Credits)
[AD] FreeFlys ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.15 Credits)
[Nd] Coupon Caboodle ( Date: 22/11/2011 0.3 Credits)

Đợt crit site mình đây vẫn crit đều thui

---------- Post added at 10:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 PM ----------

Bây giờ mem làm offer đa số là mem quá tham chỉ biết nghỉ cho mình nên sẽ dẫn đến site crit thấp và off crit cao sẻ không cao nữa.

vd: 1 site co khoản 25off trong đó có khoản 5 off lead tốt và 20off còn lại vẫn lead đều nhưng tỉ lệ không cao. Khi mem vào làm mem chỉ làm 5 off lead tốt rồi tắt bỏ làm như vậy sẻ rất là phí sock vì 20 off kia vẫn lead mà nhưng không cao thui. Mem chỉ nghỉ cho mình mà không nghỉ cho Admin dẫn đến site khó tìm sock. Mem tham số lượng hơn là chất lượng :(. Đây là 1 số off đả lead ko cao như trước local job, fantaper đả die, election 2012 .... . Các bạn hãy coi lại cách làm off của mình làm ăn mà chỉ nghỉ cho mình không biết nghỉ cho mọi người thà nghỉ làm off kiếm 1 công việc khác mà làm. Đừng ở đó than thở nói admin bốc lột hay site crit thấp đều do các bạn thôi.


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