SCAM DigaDz Reviews : SCAM or LEGIT ?

đã xong nhé bạn tiện đây cho mình hỏi chút, nếu mình muốn rút tiền từ trang ptc thì chỉ cần tài khoản paypal hay phải làm cả thẻ v?

Còn tùy trang bạn tham gia, bạn có thể cho mình biết bạn đang chơi trang nào

mô hình chung nếu ko muốn rút tiền trực tiếp về thẻ visa thì bạn có thể tìm người mua rồi bán luôn
Site này chưa mua chứng chỉ SSL hay sao ấy nhỉ? Không thấy có green bar trên trình duyệt :rolleyes:
Site này chưa mua chứng chỉ SSL hay sao ấy nhỉ? Không thấy có green bar trên trình duyệt :rolleyes:

Hiện tại thì chưa

Hello Digadz members,
System update, Now 77% in progress but main structure already done. and total pre-account was over 10k now and will be huge.
About progress slower than our expectations, we are so sorry about this. We are so serious about security, design, user interface and the important things it must be high performance. We must check all processes and that makes us slow in progress right now.
For now, our development team work all day and night to make everything perfect. This project is very large scale and we never had a project like this before. We are super excited because this will make money for everyone for the long term!
Take advantage of the prelaunch time! Now you still have time to get more people in under your referral link. The more referrals you get as huger amounts of earnings and earn residual forever. It's easy to get referrals, please do, because it's free! Everyone can start with free members.
Our products and services will not only be focusing on advertising, we will have a market place (e-commerce base) and many marketing services.
I know you want to know about the compensation plan but this will be announced later. I'm sure everyone will be excited about this, so it's worth waiting for this.
Let's Digadz Rock!
Everyone can make success!


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