help,tự nhiên pp limit


May 3, 2011
ko hiểu sao hôm nay pp bị limit,mặc dù từ lúc tạo acc đến giờ nhận có 2 payment từình parking domain)hoàn toàn $ sạch,mà limit ko thể gỡ mới ghê
có ai biết vì sao ko :((
Why is my account access limited?

Your account access has been limited for the following reason(s):

May 3, 2011: We've noticed some changes to your usual selling activities and will need some more information about your recent sales.

(Your case ID for this reason is PP-XXX.)


Jan 13, 2011
Hỏi chút bạn có sent payment cho ai ko.
will need some more information about your recent sales.
Khi sent payment thì phải có vài chữ ghi lí do sent payment.
Mình cũng bị 1 acc PP do lúc đầu sent ko lí do nhưng bây giờ thì vô s tư đi ^^
chác login nhiều ip
mình cũng vừa bị limit do login = vps :D
last login của mình là từ tháng 3 bạn à
Hỏi chút bạn có sent payment cho ai ko.

Khi sent payment thì phải có vài chữ ghi lí do sent payment.
Mình cũng bị 1 acc PP do lúc đầu sent ko lí do nhưng bây giờ thì vô s tư đi ^^
đây là bussiness gửi cho mình,bạn nhìn ảnh sẽ rõ mình ko gửi cho ai hết

bạn chụp cái Resolution center ấy^^ vậy mới biết cách giải quyết
ko có step gỡ

--> mình ko hiểu tại sao nữa.thank các bạn đã quan tâm :((
sau khi email hỏi pp thì nhận được câu trả lời
Thank you for contacting PayPal in regard to the account limitation
issue. I am happy to assist you.

We appreciate your interest in PayPal. Unfortunately our decision to
close your account is final.

PayPal reserves the right to close any account reported to be involved
in possible fraudulent or high risk behavior. In the event of a
dispute, PayPal will seek to recover the funds from you by debiting your
PayPal balance and, if there are not sufficient funds in your PayPal
balance, PayPal reserves the right to collect your debt to PayPal by any
other legal means.

Due to the potential risk of chargebacks or other action filed by
buyers, your balance will be held 180 days from the date of your
limitation. At that time, any remaining funds will be available for

We appreciate your patience and understanding regarding this matter.
Thanks again for contacting us, and thank you for being part of the
PayPal community.

PayPal Account Review Department
PayPal, an eBay Company

tưởng rằng mọi việc kết thúc,vĩnh biệt cái acc này nhưng tự nhiên lại nhận được 1 cái mail nữa
We recently noticed an issue with your account.

What's the problem?

It's been a while since you last used your account. So, we just want to
make sure that you authorised some recent transactions .

Case ID Number: PP-001-296-284-477

Because of this issue, your account has been permanently limited. We
understand this may be frustrating and inconvenient but you'll still be
able to see your transaction history for a limited time.

You can get more details about your account limitation in the Resolution
Center. For more information, please contact us and we'll do our best to

You'll be able to withdraw money from your account within 180 days. We'll
email you when it's available. We just want to make sure that you have
money in your account to cover any payment reversals

thật sự ko hiểu,tiếp tục update cho các bạn xem :D

Why is my account access limited?

Your account access has been limited for the following reason(s):

May 3, 2011: It's been a while since you last used your account. So, we just want to make sure that you authorised some recent transactions .

(Your case ID for this reason is PP-001-296-284-477.)

May 3, 2011: We've noticed some changes to your usual selling activities and will need some more information about your recent sales.

(Your case ID for this reason is PP-001-295-824-869.)
This limitation cannot be appealed.
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