Let me explain clearly :
Your registered website with us is : http://souhaof.com/
First of all :
You are having alexa rank more than 600,000.
Just about 29 pages indexed in google, Proof : https://www.google.com/search?q=site:souhaof.com, ie: the complete website has only 29 pages.
and generating more than $50 - $60 with us in a day ie: The website has more than 100K Visitors per day,
i don't know how & what will the 100K visitors do with that 29 pages.
Proof of souhaof.com traffic log : http://prntscr.com/9wwc93
Explanation (Checked more than 10 pages of logs mannually):
1. All the traffic is only from the home page
2. 80% of the ips from which the traffic was, not even pinging (Reason : Offline, Proxy or VPN)
3. All the traffic is only from Windows (Desktop)
What he did :
Simply created a website with Wordpress, added some 10 - 12 posts to fake us to show that it is a proper
website, and generated random, fake, auto-generated traffic with help of some software.
So due to this we created case against him on paypal, we pay perfectly to our publishers we are looking for a long term business not scamming others