New Hướng dẫn chơi ULTRAXPROJECT


Feb 17, 2011
Up thêm thông tin nhận đc từ Admin ngày 19-2

Hello there Folks,

Just a quick update on last night's website issues.

OK. Pretty much for the last two weeks we have had a daily DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack in some shape or form, attempting to bring the UltraXProject website down.

In most cases these attacks have been easily brushed off and the site continued functioning as normal, and you probably will not have noticed anything amiss.

However, yesterdays was different, and took place on multiple fronts, both the public webpages, and the members server, as well as the email server. Thus it took some hours before it was resolved and service was restored.

We have put in place some additional measures to block this type of attack in future, because we certainly expect we will be hit again.

Please rest assured though that we will do everything possible to increase our sites resilience and capability of withstanding everything thats thrown at it.

To start with, we have provided a members only server should you not be able to log in at the usual

The URL for this server is

We also have put up a separate support server, with a ticketing system, and would prefer that all members use this for support tickets from now on instead of the [email protected] email address.

This can be found at

With the issues we have experienced over the past few days, a lot of support requests have gone unanswered. We will be working back through these over the next few days, so if you do have an urgent support request, please submit a new ticket at the new address above.

SolidTrustPay issues. STP has a limit of $999.00 for instant notifications on single transactions. Anything above this amount we have to verify and process manually, so please keep all your STP transaction totals below $999.00 or at least notify us immediately if you are over.

Again, if in the last few days you sent in a support request about an STP transaction which has not been applied to your account, please submit a new ticket at

Finally, some stats to cheer everyone up:

Total members now over 12,000 and growing by 200-300 a day.
Payments we have made to members back office accounts -> $1,380,324.30
Actual cash withdrawals from members accounts -> $317,776.80
Top ten earners have all earned over $19,400.
Top two earners have both earned over $41,000.
Top two referrers are Mike Haggie (455) and Satur Segade(352). (Admin in 3rd with 336)
And we have been online for just 3 MONTHS!

Folks, we wouldnt get those sort of figures if our system doesnt work. But it does, so its highly likely we have now become a major target.

We look at these issues as growing pains, and the more we learn from them, the stronger we will grow.

I have absolutely no doubt that we will create a least a few millionaires this year, so grab this opportunity now, because you could be one of them!

Kind Regards,

Sean Kelly.
UXP Admin.
Hôm nay cashout về thì OK:


Và nó bắt đầu chia lãi lại, từ 24 đến 27 không hề chia lãi, nhưng thực tế số $ ở cột CURRENT
VALUE trong mục SHARE không hề tăng, chứng tỏ nó làm ăn vẫn đàng hoàng.

Ngóng tình hình vài ngày nữa xem sao! :)


Feb 6, 2012
mù tiếng anh :binhsua121:
Cái này khá phức tạp, các ref và ref của ref mình sẽ được sắp xếp theo thứ tự từ 1 -> n, nhưng không phải bạn có 100 ref dưới mình thì nó điền vào 100 vị trí đầu tiên. Vi dụ dưới downline của bạn có 200 thành viên chẳng hạn, thì trong matrix, có thể có thành viên điền ở vị trí 1027, nhưng mà rất nhiều vị trí ở phía trước còn trống, có khi vị trí 15 hay 20 vẫn còn trống...Do vậy để điền đủ matrix ở 1 số level đầu còn phụ thuộc vào vị trí ref của bạn là ai, ng đó có ref không và 1 số yếu tố khác nữa...Mình xin trích nguyên văn bằng tiếng Anh về vấn đề này cho các bạn tìm hiểu:

Matrix Commissions

In addition to the investment scheme, UltraXProject members can also use their CV points to buy entry into one of six matrices the company offers.

These matrices all follow a 2×3 structure which means that with you at the top, each matrix has fourteen member positions under you to fill before you earn a commission.

Due to the fact that entry positions aren’t automatically tied into membership of UltraXProject, the entry rules for the company’s matrices are a little different to your standard matrix. Note that the following rules apply to all matrix entry positions, whether directly paid for or earned via the investment of CV points.

Your first and every 3rd matrix entry thereafter (entry 1, 4, 7 etc.) will place you inside your sponsors matrix

Your second and every 3rd matrix entry thereafter (entries 2, 5, 8 etc.) will place you inside an open active matrix you are already in (if there are none you will be placed into one of your sponsor’s matrices)

Your third and every 3rd matrix entry thereafter (entries 3, 6, 9 etc.) will place you into a queue which then feeds members one by one into the oldest active matrices to get them cycled

Commissions paid out also depend on whether the matrix entry you used to buy into the matrix was numbered odd or even.

Odd numbered matrix entries (1, 3, 5 etc.) pay out five times the CV point amount it cost to buy into the matrix. For example, if matrix entry cost 100 CV points to join a matrix, upon cycling you would earn 500 CV points (paid out as $500 cash).

Odd numbered matrix entry cycles also provide members with an additional two entry positions into matrices at the same level (subject to the entry structure above).

Even numbered matrix entries (2, 4, 6 etc.) pay out double the CV point amount it cost to buy into the matrix. For example, if matrix entry cost 100 CV points, upon cycling you would earn 200 CV points.

Even numbered matrices also provide members with an additional entry into a matrix on the same level, as well as an entry into a matrix the next level up.

As mentioned before, there are six matrices in total within the UltraXProject compensation plan, each with different entry costs and payouts – they are as follows:

Stage 1 – 500 CV points entry cost, odd entry commission is $25 and even entry commission is $10

Stage 2 – 2,000 CV points entry cost, odd entry commission is $100 and even entry commission is $40

Stage 3 – 8,000 CV points entry cost, odd entry commission is $400 and even entry commission is $160

Stage 4 – 32,000 CV points entry cost, odd entry commission is $1,600 and even entry commission is $640

Stage 5 – 128,000 CV points entry cost, odd entry commission is $6,400 and even entry commission is $2,560

Stage 6 – 512,000 CV points entry cost, odd entry commission is $25,600 and even entry commission is $30,715

Các bạn coi vị trí thành viên downline của mình trong matrix->display->list.

---------- Post added at 12:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:01 AM ----------

ai chỉ tuj chơi hok ? tình nguyện làm ref .

---------- Post added at 02:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:53 PM ----------

đầu tư bao nhiu mà dc nhiều vậy bn ? thấy khoái rồy đóa ! máu rồy úp luôn :binhsua105:


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