hơn 1 ngày rồi vẫn ko nhận được tiền mình và 1 số người bên mmg đã dispute stp ,ai muốn dispute thì xài form này gởi đến
[email protected] , hoặc là vào help center của solidtrustpay tạo ticket ,mình thì gởi luôn cả 2 thằng
đây là form
Hello STP support
I made $xx(số tiền bạn dep vào) on Irevshare.com program using my STP account with
User name : xxx (user name của bạn )
The program was a ponzi scheme and they took most of the investors money as well. I would like to request a dispute. I would like you to block their account and refunded all the investors money.
On july 20th 2013, I made transactions of $xx(số tiền bạn dep vào) to benysound365 (benysound365đây là user name của thằng admin của site )
I realized I was cheated by the admin. The program was claimed to be a revenue share and legal investment program which supported Solid Trust Pay payment processor.
I hope you can solve this problem and refunded our money back from them since they use Solid Trust Pay payment processors, they must be verified by STP customer support
Kind regards