Matrix Juby Ad Bank 20$/share 125-135% ROI chấp nhận STP,EP,PM

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Dec 19, 2010
Chú ý: Hình thức đầu tư có rủi ro. Các nhà đầu tư phải cân nhắc kỹ trước khi ra quyết định!
Juby ver 2 chuẩn bị lên sóng

Thông tin cơ bản
  • 20$/share
  • 125%-135% ROI tùy vào cấp độ member
  • Regular Shareholder: Free
    Revenue Share Pack: $20 per unit, Expires at 125%
    Surf 10 Ads daily to Earn (or buy vacation mode)

    Premium Shareholder: $5 / tuần
    Revenue Share Pack: $20 per unit, Expires at 130%
    Surf 5 Ads daily to Earn (or buy vacation mode)

    Advanced Shareholder: $15 /tuần
    Revenue Share Pack: $20 per unit, Expires at 135%
    No Surfing Required to Earn
  • Chia lãi theo giờ
  • Không tốn Fee rút, Fee Dep 4%
  • Min Pay 10$
  • 10% ref comission (5% vào cash balance và 5% vào Wallet)
Thông tin chia lãi
  • 25% quay trở lại Purchase Wallet
Những ai đã đạt 150% lợi nhuận thì sẽ áp dụng rule rút tiền mới bằng cách dep 50% số tiền muốn rút
Giả sử muốn rút 100$ thì phải DEP 50$ trước sau đó mới rút được 100$

RefBack 50%
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chuẩn bị fund được r

Hello Friends,I want to warmly welcome you all to JUBYADBANK - Your Advertising & Revenue Share Solution. I am delighted to present you this awesome opportunity to advertise your businesses and make money at the sametime.
We are still working behind the scene and will soon open the funding page for purchase of Advertising services. But, for official launch and purchase of Revenue Share Packs, we will update accordingly and show a timer too.
We have also updated our Banners with a new set. You can find them in your affiliate tools.

Also, please, expect another update about Jubyadshare to address some questions members have raised. In any case, if we walk together and have patience, we shall achieve our goal. This is set for long term, not just fly by night.

Yesterday, we had a little confusion when people were asking if we are same as another program (Lionbux), please, let me reiterate: WE ARE NOT LIONBUX, AND NOT CONNECTED TO THEM IN ANYWAY. Be rest assured that I will do my possible best, and with your support, we can make JAB, the best program of the year.
THE JUBY BRAND must succeed and I am not an Admin that will run in the face of challenges.

Thank you and until next time.
Hello friends,
Thank you for your continued support.

We are working tirelessly at the back office to fix and test everything before announcing our official launch.
Everything as per our system config is working perfectly. We have also updated our affiliate tools by adding Email Ads and Splash Screen. You can find all these tools in the back office under affiliate tools and you can use them to build your downline.So far, we have received many emails regarding our future plans, and we wish to urge all members to remain patient as we are building a business that will put the Juby Brand in the actual place we've always wanted.With more understanding and collaboration, we shall together achieve our aim. Thanks and until next update.
Update mới, tất cả share mới sẽ được luôn 20% trong lần+lãi đầu tiên,khá giống AMP

Hello beloved friends,In this newsletter, I will explain some of the features that set us apart and position us for growth. We have learnt from our own mistake and others mistakes too and have developed a system most appealing to new members at all times, and that's why we said: Its Never Too Late To Join.
REVENUE SOURCES: This is our main focus - to create as many revenue sources as possible to ensure better revenue share experience. Presently, we have Banners Ads positioned in the best places, Paid To Click Ads, Paid To Read Emails, Vacation Modes, Membership subscription, Shopping Mall Affiliate commissions, and later some other sources that are secret for now.

FAST-TRACK REVENUE SHARE ON NEW ADPACK: This is a feature that ensures every new Revenue Share Pack earns higher in their first day, but its not just earning higher, its a GUARANTEED earning before being added in the normal daily rev share formula. Normally, when members make purchases, sponsors get paid first, then the member starts earning daily rev shares depending on the revenue bank and amount of active Packs in the system. But, in the case of JAB, we introduced an innovative feature by which you get paid your first revenue share upto 20% immediately you purchased a new Pack. It works like you're paid referral commissions on your own purchases and re-purchases. This feature makes it possible for everyone to earn immediately the upgrade, not just few early birds or sponsors only. Once we open funding and purchase, you will see the beauty of this feature.
Referral Commissions are shared equally between Purchase balance and Cashbalance, so that every member will participate in buying Revenue Packs and grow our Revenue Bank.
WITHDRAWAL RULES: For start, our withdrawal rules are: (i) You must have at least 1 Revenue Pack to withdraw (ii) You must make deposit to the processor you wish to withdraw to (iii) System will allow you to withdraw maximum $250 every 12 hours. These rules will be reviewed as we progress.
REPURCHASE RULE: This rule is set to increase members earnings in the longer term and also boost out Revenue Bank so that we all work together to help everyone, not just few members smiling to bank and the rest crying.Please, send your suggestions to [email protected] or just reply to this email. Next update will be on our proposed launch itinerary. Thanks and until next time.
FUND được rùi nhé,sắp launch

Hello friends and partners,

After a successful testing period, we have finally opened the funding page. Members, who so wish, can pre-fund their accounts now. Members can also buy and set up various advertisement campaigns - Banner Ads etc, but Revenue Share Packs will only be available for purchase at launch. All Ad campaigns are instantly activated and shown live upon purchase and set-up by members.

Next update will be the announcement of our official launch and its expected to be within a very short period of time from now.

We also wish to announce that a new member has joined our support group. He will be helping with Forum Support, Facebook page and Skype support. He is Abdallah Zekrallah with username EgyBoy on MMG forum.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Admin Juby
hic, thớt chỉ cách fund và làm việc để kiếm được $ đi, thank cậu
Chuẩn bị launch sau 19 giờ nữa

Hello Friends & Business Partners,

We are pleased to announce that we are officially launching JubyAdBank in about 19 hours from now. Timer is showing on the homepage.

We have also temporarily deactivated funding in JubyAdShare because some people are mistakenly signing up there and funding their account. I had to refund some payments and emailed them to sign up here because they were actually coming to join here.

You can fund your account if you wish, but Revenue Share Pack will be available for purchase at launch.

I will always count on your support, and together we shall succeed.
Always Remember: Its Never Too Late To Join.

Admin Juby
còn 1 tiếng rưỡi nữa!
5 giờ sẽ launch nên 6h sẽ bắt đầu cộng lãi
Có 3 mức membership tuơng ứng các bạn đọc thêm tại bài viết đầu tiên của topic
Các bạn mua membership xong r mới mua package
Bạn nào vốn ít thì có thể chọn mức membership free
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