Matrix MegaMoneyHybrid - Admin Fash Cash Mega

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Feb 19, 2013
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Theo thông báo từ email thì các bạn có thể dep nhiều cổng, và rút về bất kỳ cổng nào. Tuy nhiên, để tránh việc dep vào rồi rút ra mà k mua unit, từ bây giờ fund tiền thì nó sẽ vào Repurchase balance, như vay phải mua unit từ repurchase balance này roi mới được rút về.

Còn về chiến thuật chơi thì đơn giản là fund sẵn số tiền bạn định chơi vào. log in sẵn vào khi sắp đến giờ và mua ngay khi site cho phép. Nếu nhanh thì bạn sẽ được cycle rất sớm, khi đó phải tiếp tục mua unit.

Ừ, chính xác
Đợi bữa 15 tây lãnh lương mua thêm vài LR nhập team $20 trang này !
Aug 18, 2012
Mình vẫn ko hiểu cycler lắm . Hoàn thành 200 % dựa trên nguyên tắc nào

Bạn mua 1 CYCLE $5 -> CYCLE COMPLETE khi EARN $10
Để đc COMPLETE thì phải có 1 đứa khác mua 1 CYCLE thì bác đc EARN

- - - Updated - - -

mà bác thớt cho e hỏi chừng nào nó pay thê
có 3 cái request pending :D
đợi hơi đau tim
I have been waiting to send out a new update till I had the right information so I can inform you better.

The coding work in MMH is finally done now. Our programmer worked very hard to get this done as fast as possible (even with his wife in the hospital for 2 days). I thank him for his dedication to help get MMH up and running again.

Today we started checking the actual damage from the fake units. As it seems there are “only” 3 accounts with fake units but in total those 3 accounts added about 800 fake units. I think you can imagine these 800 fake units have a big impact on financial stats because many cycler spots cycled out because of these fake units. Then some of those members who cycled out bought more units with money they shouldn't have and that made other spots cycle out. You can follow this up a few levels (every time someone cycles out and buys new units). Next to that when those members bought new units (with money they shouldn't have since they cycled out because of those false units) their sponsors got referral commissions plus the 10% direct fills in their cycler spots so that's also not correct.
If that's not complicated enough we also can't follow when exactly cycler spots have been added and when exactly they cycled out because in the database there is only a date stamp (not time) so we can only see a spot have been added a certain date and a spot cycled out a certain date but we don't know which spot cycled out after which spot. We need this information to determine which spots cycled out from the fake units that have been added.

All units and cycler spots have a number (id) so I can see a bit from the number in which order the cycler spots have been added but I don't know which spots cycled out from that. If we would have a time stamp in the database (next to date stamp) I could see what time a cycler spot was added and what time a cycler spot cycled out so we could determine which spot made which spot cycle out so then we could work directly on those spots and the members accounts associated with that.

We're trying to find a way to make the corrections as fast as possible but from what I see even if we had the timestamp it's a lot of work so without that it's a whole lot more work. It's very hard to say how long this will take. Like I said I have the lists. It seems “luckily” there are “only” 2 days the fake units have been added and “only” in 3 accounts because we found out fast but in total there still have been 800 false units added to the system and since MMH has quite a lot of members the impact is big. Members are active so naturally when they received an email saying they cycled out (from the false units) they rushed to the site and bought more units to maximize earnings so that makes it like a web with lines all over the place and we have to trace them all to make the corrections.

From talking to people I hear quite a few programs had the same thing happen with the false units. Many people didn't believe them at that time but now this happened to us too I can see how this can totally destruct a program. Just recently another admin from a program using the same script contacted me to inform me the same thing happened in his program. We have upgraded the coding so it can't happen anymore (that's 100% for sure our programmer says) but I think every admin should be very careful with the script they use if it's a commercial script (one that everyone can buy) because many have security holes and hackers know this so they check which script programs are using and get in through the security holes they know. They can do that with every program using that script. Our programmer told me he can get in every program using this script after he studied the coding. That's how he have been able to upgrade coding to make it 100% impossible for hackers to do anything but that's in our program now. There are many programs using this script so I just want admins (if they're using a commercial script and read this) to check their script for holes because hackers are getting more advanced and many commercial scripts are not 100% secure.

We will get MMH up and running as soon as possible. After that we will work on FCM. I know it's difficult to stay positive with both MMH and FCM down but keep in mind we have been online for years. We have been able to find solutions to a lot of big problems so we're on this. At the moment there are many big programs either gone or having problems so MMH and FCM up and running again is very important of course.

I think most members know there is a forum thread about MMH where questions are being answered so check that too next to updates in your mail box.

Let us do this. Thanks.
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