Thông tin gây sốc nhất trong giới PTC, tuy nhiên cũng có thể lường trước đc việc đi xuống của neobux. Sáng nay admin đã lên tiếng đính chính là do công ty quảng cáo đã thương lượng:| và chúng ta là vật thí nghiệm
admin neobux:
I was expecting some not to understand the benefits of the changes and yes, it happened.

Now that most of them have actually seen that they've misunderstood how things will work, I've opened this new topic for users to discuss things in an adult way.

I don't understand why users post something and do the opposite, really. Users claiming that they'll leave and they've been around all day clicking each new advertisement, for example.
So please, cut the drama since you know that this, as always, will have a good outcome.

This won't remove the motivation of making what's yet to come as I know most of those that used harsh words were just upset and not thinking correctly. What's to come will still come.

For those who know me by now it's easy to ask for this trust.
All I want for NeoBux is to rise even more as it always did even though many have gone against important changes in the past.
No one is running away... cashout are there for you if you're scared. Just use the pretty green button and take what's yours as no one will stop you as always.
Actually, to run away I could easily sell the site since I keep getting offers in a value you cannot imagine. Is this what I want? No way!

NeoBux is and always will be treated by myself as my own child.
This change is a move forward in the relationship between us and our advertisers which, in the end, are those that pay users.
This is a project yet to become huge and those that fear innovation should be aware that this is what I always do without ever hurting anyone.

So, please, discuss all you want but be fair so that we all can have a nice conversation.
The latest closed topic is something that users that posted certain things won't be proud of in the next days. I'll leave it there as a reminder that we all must read first and think about all possible scenarios.

Tuy là bảo chúng ta hiểu sai nhưng thực chất là kêu gọi sự đồng cảm:|
Oct 16, 2010
từ hôm qua đến giờ ko bít tại sao Neobux cua mình chỉ có các ad 0.001 thôi, chẳng thấy ad 0.01 đâu nữa :binhsua53:
mấy bác giải thích hộ em cái



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