SCAM nobox -

Rút xong nhớ surf ads nhé.

- - - Updated - - -

You have earned on a Revenue Pack. Below are the details of the transaction. These funds have been added to your Cash Balance.

Transaction ID: #3944212
Date: Apr 5th, 2013 @ 11:56 pm
Amount: $26.52
Processor: Liberty Reserve
Notes: Earned 2.40% on Revenue Pack #231630

Thank You,
You have earned on a Revenue Pack. Below are the details of the transaction. These funds have been added to your Cash Balance.

Transaction ID: #3944215
Date: Apr 5th, 2013 @ 11:56 pm
Amount: $0.12
Processor: Liberty Reserve
Notes: Earned 2.40% on Revenue Pack #233101

Thank You,
You have earned on a Revenue Pack. Below are the details of the transaction. These funds have been added to your Cash Balance.

Transaction ID: #3944214
Date: Apr 5th, 2013 @ 11:56 pm
Amount: $9.60
Processor: Liberty Reserve
Notes: Earned 2.40% on Revenue Pack #231977

Thank You,
Hey, just wanted to inform you, a cashout request on your NoBox account has been compleated.
Below are the transaction details.

Transaction ID: #2xxxx94
Completed: Apr 6th, 2013 @ 01:51 am
Amount: $53.09
Fees: $0.00
Net Amount: $53.09
Processor: Liberty Reserve
Processor Account: Uxxxxxx
Notes: Manual Cashout Request

Hôm nay chia lãi cao 2,2% hihi
You have earned on a Revenue Pack. Below are the details of the transaction. These funds have been added to your Cash Balance.

Transaction ID: #3948066
Date: Apr 6th, 2013 @ 11:56 pm
Amount: $22.10
Processor: Liberty Reserve
Notes: Earned 2.00% on Revenue Pack #231630

Thank You,
You have earned on a Revenue Pack.

You have earned on a Revenue Pack. Below are the details of the transaction. These funds have been added to your Cash Balance.

Transaction ID: #3948068
Date: Apr 6th, 2013 @ 11:56 pm
Amount: $8.00
Processor: Liberty Reserve
Notes: Earned 2.00% on Revenue Pack #231977

Thank You,
You have earned on a Revenue Pack

You have earned on a Revenue Pack. Below are the details of the transaction. These funds have been added to your Cash Balance.

Transaction ID: #3948067
Date: Apr 6th, 2013 @ 11:56 pm
Amount: $12.00
Processor: Liberty Reserve
Notes: Earned 2.00% on Revenue Pack #231837 - Cashout Request Completed

Hey, just wanted to inform you, a cashout request on your NoBox account has been compleated.
Below are the transaction details.

Transaction ID: #2XXXXX4
Completed: Apr 7th, 2013 @ 01:59 am
Amount: $19.21
Fees: $0.39
Net Amount: $18.82
Processor: Solid Trust Pay
Processor Account:
Site này có vẻ uy tín nhưng phải surf mới nhận được tiễn lãi hàng ngày. cũng hơi mệt!

Surf có tí tẹo là xong. Quan trọng là uy tín để kiếm tiền, chứ ko surf mà bị scam thì có mà còn mệt nưã.
Với lại NOBOX có plan 7$ 1thang cho cậu đầu tư mà. không cần surf ngủ dậy là rút thôi.
Last edited by a moderator:
Anh em ai deposited rồi, ít nhiều cũng post hết vào toppic giúp bạn nhé. Sẽ check và RCB. Nếu ko post bạn sẽ ko RCB nhé. Mình chỉ muốn rõ ràng. Có dep là có nhận paid RCB từ mình.


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