[Qlinkgroup] Nơi thảo luận riêng dành cho dự án qlinkgroup !

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Mar 15, 2013
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Tình hình là mới gửi 1 cái email thêm cổng Webmoney không biết Qlink trả lời thế nào!:binhsua144::binhsua129:
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Và đây là kết quả:

Please go to www.qlinkgroupsupervisor.com website to setup an admin account.

You will need to provide a valid email address to receive confirmation link to setup an account.
You will also need to enter correct payment information.
If you enter wrong or invalid payment information, qlinkgroup will not be responsible for any payment delays.
Correcting a payment information could take up to 10 to 15 business days.

QlinkGroup.com Customer Service.


May 24, 2013
Mẫu tiếng anh đây
Hi Qlinkgroup admin,
As you know that Liberty Reserve has closed its service and now you are offering us only 2 kinds of payment methods; paypal and getaFreelancer.
With getaFreelancer, most of us are not familiar to it or even do not know about it. And with paypal method, the fee for withdrawal is very high, we can not afford that much meanwhile our earnings is not much.
So May I please recommend you to add Webmoney as a payment method in your service? Webmoney service is very convenient and easy for us to withdraw our payments and I am sure it is easy and convenient for you as well, Since Webmoney is very popular for captcha world now and most of captcha typers love to get paid through Webmoney more than paypal or such kind of other methods. When they feel happy with the payments, their work will be more effective for your service for sure
I hope you will consider about my suggestion and I'm sure many captcha typers in your service will appreciate the Webmoney payment method
Thank you

Mọi người gửi thư cho admin đi nào:binhsua122:
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Mar 14, 2011
mình đã spam roài,kết quả là nó cho link reg acc mới
vẫn không đưa ra phương thức tt wmz

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mình đã spam roài,kết quả là nó cho link reg acc mới
vẫn không đưa ra phương thức tt wmz
mình đã spam roài,kết quả là nó cho link reg acc mới
vẫn không đưa ra phương thức tt wmz

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mình đã spam roài,kết quả là nó cho link reg acc mới
vẫn không đưa ra phương thức tt wmz

Sao ta spam nó chẳng bảo gì nhỉ ??? Anh em tập trung cop cái mẫu tiếng anh trên spam nó trong vòng 1 tuần nhá .
Hình như cứ email nào gửi đến có chữ qlinkgroup hay admin là nhận được 1 mail auto reg ngay thì phải. Các bạn thử bỏ 2 từ đó đi xem có khả thi hơn ko, nếu ko có auto reg gửi lại thì có nghĩa là admin sẽ đọc được.
Mình đã sửa bản mẫu
spam kiểu nào qlink cũng trả lời thế này

Please go to www.qlinkgroupsupervisor.com website to setup an admin account.

You will need to provide a valid email address to receive confirmation link to setup an account.
You will also need to enter correct payment information.
If you enter wrong or invalid payment information, qlinkgroup will not be responsible for any payment delays.
Correcting a payment information could take up to 10 to 15 business days.

QlinkGroup.com Customer Service.
spam kiểu nào qlink cũng trả lời thế này

Please go to www.qlinkgroupsupervisor.com website to setup an admin account.

You will need to provide a valid email address to receive confirmation link to setup an account.
You will also need to enter correct payment information.
If you enter wrong or invalid payment information, qlinkgroup will not be responsible for any payment delays.
Correcting a payment information could take up to 10 to 15 business days.

QlinkGroup.com Customer Service.

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spam kiểu nào qlink cũng trả lời thế này

Please go to www.qlinkgroupsupervisor.com website to setup an admin account.

You will need to provide a valid email address to receive confirmation link to setup an account.
You will also need to enter correct payment information.
If you enter wrong or invalid payment information, qlinkgroup will not be responsible for any payment delays.
Correcting a payment information could take up to 10 to 15 business days.

QlinkGroup.com Customer Service.

Mail bác bị dính backlist trả lời tự động của nó rùi. :))
mới gửi cho qlink cái naàyo! hiọng nó thương tình đổi cho! mọi ng tham khảo cho ý kiến xem :)
please Wedmoney or PerfectMoney payment process, I do not like Paypal, Paypal often restricted in Vietnam Paypal hard sell at low prices, withdrawal of bank, high costs 3 -> $ 4 fee / 1 withdrawal , which always takes so much effort type, and also to pay for more participants how profits will be reduced! Please go to the Wedmoney or PerfectMoney payment! Many people look forward to this! I will try to wait for a while! Please listen to my opinion !
My WebMoney: Z107289602148
My PerfectMoney: U4895614
Thank you
mới gửi cho qlink cái naàyo! hiọng nó thương tình đổi cho! mọi ng tham khảo cho ý kiến xem :)
please Wedmoney or PerfectMoney payment process, I do not like Paypal, Paypal often restricted in Vietnam Paypal hard sell at low prices, withdrawal of bank, high costs 3 -> $ 4 fee / 1 withdrawal , which always takes so much effort type, and also to pay for more participants how profits will be reduced! Please go to the Wedmoney or PerfectMoney payment! Many people look forward to this! I will try to wait for a while! Please listen to my opinion !
My WebMoney: Z107289602148
My PerfectMoney: U4895614
Thank you
thành công thì ae làm theo
Nov 14, 2012
Dung spam thu cua no nua de no tinh, may site capthcha cung chi nhan captcha tu` may trang ban' captcha ve` ma nguoi ta thanh toan cho nno paypal, creadits, lr la chinh gio bat no chuyen qua wmz vua kho' vua lo ti gia sao no doi duoc... hic tuan` nay khong biet lo~ go acc cu van thanh toan che do lr gio khong biet sao day
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