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Recyclix: thiết kế văn phòng mới ? Anh em thấy có được không ?
Dự tính Recyclix sẽ chi ra khoảng 15.000.000 € ~ 375 Tỷ VNĐ cho một cơ sở mới! ( Bao gồm nhà máy và văn phòng mới ở Lobez - Balan )

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20-23 / 9 / 2016 sẽ mở cửa thăm quan nhà máy ở Balan. Và rất nhiều điều thú vị hơn nữa.

Dear Recyclers,

Around the world summer is thought to be a relaxed and slow season when nothing much happens and you can simply slow down with everything, get some rest, and enjoy the moment under the warm sunrays.

However, we at Recyclix prefer not to lose time and take advantage of every single day, working hard to make our company better for the sake of a cleaner and healthier world as well as your financial stability and personal growth.

This summer turned out to be the busiest, most successful, and most productive season ever since the establishment of our company. And though it’s still not over, it was full of work on helpful features and developments in our website, foundation of new recycling plants, and business trips where major deals were arranged. Today we would like to tell you about the progress we’ve made over the last month.

In our previous newsletters we told you a lot about our Open Days — which proved to be a real success and a highly efficient tool of getting the close-knit community of Recyclix together and brainstorming exciting business ideas — and mentioned about the next event of this kind where you are invited.

Currently we already have the exact dates for the Second Recyclix’s Open Days and it will be held from September 20 to September 23 in Poland. We will be waiting for all those of you who are interested in joining Recyclix team members and dozens of like-minded investors in numerous inspirational business discussions, enlightening Q&A sessions, guided tours, revealing the most ambitious plans that we will make a reality, and lots of fun.

The guests will be met on September 20 in Berlin, Germany, accommodated and transferred to the Polish city of Zagan, close to the German border, where the event will take place.

As soon as we receive the confirmation of rental of the castle where participants of the Second Official Recyclix’s Open Days will stay, we will publish a link to the website where you will be able to sign up for this event.

Please remember that costs associated with transportation to Berlin, Germany, are covered by the participants themselves and be sure to stay tuned for more details.

Now it’s time to pass on to the news about the business growth that Recyclix experienced over the last month. Waste recycling became a really important issue in Europe since the EU government signed laws that prohibit proliferation of landfills and seek to put burial and burning of plastic waste to an end by 2020.

This July Recyclix made yet another important step towards making this goal a reality. We have signed an important long-term contract with the Dutch department of McDonalds for collecting of plastic packaging and its further recycling at our plants. Apart from helping clean the world from harmful plastic waste, which otherwise might have ended up at landfills, this business deal makes us one step closer to becoming the Europe’s biggest recycling company that processes almost 2800 tons of plastic waste every month and keeps growing at an extremely rapid rate.

Another crucially important thing that we would like to share with you today is the commencement of construction of a new massive waste processing plant in the Polish city of Łobez. In 12 months — when the construction works will be over and the plant will be up and running — it will produce over 2000 tons monthly of LDPE, PE and PP granules that will be used by dozens of European businesses to make high-quality and eco-friendly goods for thousands of people all around the world.

Investments in the new waste recycling plant amount to 15 million EUR, which is so far one of the largest investments of Recyclix and a huge leap ahead. This victory is both yours and ours and we are really grateful to all of you for staying with us and trusting us. We will keep you posted on all developments about this project in the next newsletters.

To conclude this newsletter, we would like to let you know that on 21st of July accounts that were received no deposits so far, were permanently closed. Newer accounts have 60 days within date of registration to be active through a personal deposit. This condition — which we announced on our May newsletter and via Facebook earlier and reflected on our terms was made in order to mainstream the workflow of Recyclix’s website and unload our database.

As a finishing touch, we invite all of you to join our official page on Facebook ( ) to keep up with the latest Recyclix’s updates, developments, and news as well as enjoy tons of exciting content about the world of recycling that will come out really soon.

Remember that working with Recyclix means having loyal support of thousands of people in the EU and around the world, live in harmony with the nature and the world, feel safe about your family and the next generations, and prosper financially. It is being who you really want to be.

One team, one dream. Simply Recyclix.

See you soon in Poland!

All the best,
Recyclix Team





TIẾP TỤC CHUỖI TIN HOT: Recyclix sẽ hợp tác với McDonalds - Hà Lan, để thu lại và tái chế các sản phẩm nhựa của McDonalds. Một niềm tự hào đối với tập thể lãnh đạo, nhân viên, và các nhà đầu tư vào Recyclix khi biết điều này !!!!



Jul 10, 2013
TIẾP TỤC CHUỖI TIN HOT: Recyclix sẽ hợp tác với McDonalds - Hà Lan, để thu lại và tái chế các sản phẩm nhựa của McDonalds. Một niềm tự hào đối với tập thể lãnh đạo, nhân viên, và các nhà đầu tư vào Recyclix khi biết điều này !!!!

View attachment 79188
Cái này có nên bán nhà đễ choi ko ta? ;)


Feb 9, 2014
TIẾP TỤC CHUỖI TIN HOT: Recyclix sẽ hợp tác với McDonalds - Hà Lan, để thu lại và tái chế các sản phẩm nhựa của McDonalds. Một niềm tự hào đối với tập thể lãnh đạo, nhân viên, và các nhà đầu tư vào Recyclix khi biết điều này !!!!

View attachment 79188
Mới depo 150$, thớt check rồi RCB cho mình. Thanks.


May 20, 2016
tình hình là mình không có master . mình đã dep 1k , và mình đang có dự án sang tháng dep thêm , có bác nào nhận làm master của em không ? :(
p/s : do ngày đó không biết ref là gì @@
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