Matrix Recyclix -

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Dear recyclers,
First of all, we would like to wish happy holidays to everyone and thank you for trusting us and staying with Recyclix in 2015. This year was full of hard work, continuous development, and success for our recyclers and our company and we are sure that 2016 will be even more prosperous for all of you and beneficial for the environment.


In order to make it happen we have already planned a couple of things that will pleasantly surprise you and help you work with Recyclix in a more efficient and profitable way. This newsletter will review current company news and expose our plans for 2016. Let's get started!
First, our Recyclix company is growing by leaps and bounds, with 7500 active users and counting!

You probably remember the exhibition in Dortmund that we participated in November in order to announce the latest developments of Recyclix and establish business ties with our ecology partners from Europe. The exhibition turned out to be a huge success, and as a result we managed to create a close partnership with some of the biggest raw material suppliers in Germany as well as with other prominent global recycling market members.

The material suppliers that we have become affiliated with are eager to provide us with large quantities of film for recycling on a regular basis, meaning an even more important contribution to the planet and higher gains for all our recyclers.

This partnership will also mean significant expansion of our manufacturing facilities in Latvia in order to be able to process the growing volumes of waste. That step, which will lead to broadening Recyclix activities all around the world, is considered to be of key importance to us and all development and pre-construction works are already going at full speed. The total amount of investments in the factory expansion will increase to €2 million.

This will increase the production capacity from the current 750 to 2000 tons per month. We are also proud to say that the success and continued expansion of Recyclix also makes it a great place to work, with around 130 employees in the facility operations, support and management teams.

More detailed information about the date of placement of the new manufacturing facilities into service will be available shortly. We will definitely let you know about it as soon as we have it.

We will continue taking part in various ecology and recycling exhibitions around the world on a regular basis in order to promote our company's mission. Unfortunately, the exhibition in Brussels that we planned to attend in November was postponed due to the security situation in the city. However, it has been rescheduled for March 22 and 23, 2016. Please click here for visitor information and to register your attendance free of charge.

And now let's get back to the news about the world's current ecologic climate and recycling industry. Though a lot more effort is channelled into the development of recycling industry yearly, in which Recyclix takes part too, the climate change and its disastrous effects on the environment keep on troubling the global community and common people. You probably noticed yourself that the winters are not as cold as they were before and summers are getting hotter and hotter.

Just a few weeks ago Paris hosted COP 21, or the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, which was visited by all the UN country members who brainstormed the ways in which we all can unite against the climate change and help keep the Earth clean and safe for our children.

Recyclix completely shares this aim and considers it as one of its most important missions. This is why we have established an NGO called Monde Nouveau in the town of Agboville in Côte d'Ivoire. Its aims involve spearheading activities that raise awareness and funds for the environment in the African region. Apart from it, this NGO plays an important role in broadening the presence and influence of Recyclix on a global scale.

Talking about the expansion activities, we would like to let you know that we are planning to open new Recyclix branches in Agadir, Morocco, Koblenz, Germany and Parana, Brazil in order to promote the go green movement and have a local presence in these countries and regions. The company's office in Morocco and Germany is to be opened in the beginning of the year, whilst the establishment of our Brazilian branch is planned for early spring 2016. Creation of the branches will be followed by the successive establishment of waste recycling factories in these countries. We will keep you informed about this and will definitely tell you more on the issue in our next newsletters.

Before bringing the last Recyclix newsletter in 2015 to a conclusion, we would like to say a few words about the new features we added to our website. The most important thing that has been added recently is a new two-factor verification system for processing payments. This development will make withdrawals made by our recyclers safer and will eliminate the possibility of unauthorized access to their funds stored on Recyclix. Each payout will now have to be confirmed by clicking a link we will send to the registered email address of the account before it expires in 24 hours.

Due to the increasing volume of requests and deposits, we will now levy a fee of 5 euros for every incorrect or incomplete bank deposit. To avoid this fee, please make sure that the payment memo field is filled out exactly as indicated in your invoice (i.e. Waste Management Services, ref. KSJxxxxxxxxxxxx date. dd/mm-yyyy). We also reiterate that it is not allowed to fund your account using someone else’s bank account or credit card, even with their permission. In the same way, you should also only withdraw into a bank or Paypal account in your own name.

For users who are preparing their end of year tax declarations as required by their countries, we will have the printable PDF form available soon.

This is where we would like to finish our letter - with detailed news and current developments of Recyclix, and by wishing you happy holidays once more. Today Recyclix feels as committed to providing you with the best and most advantageous recycling services as ever, and guarantees that the next year will bring even more positive news associated with the advancement of our mission all over the world, helping the Earth's environment, and increasing your earnings.

One team, one dream. Simply Recyclix.
See you all in 2016!
All the best and happy holidays,
Your Recyclix Family
anh 6 xem có cách nào bảo họ nới lỏng cho dep bằng thẻ visa ko nhỉ :oops:. BTC thì em muốn giữ cho kế hoạch dài hơi còn thẻ master thì ko có :oops:.

Muốn dep bằng thẻ vísa thì em phải kích hoạt chế độ bảo mật 3D đối với ACB, SCB... hoặc SMS, OTP đối với VCB...
Hello all,

We have just wrapped up here in Riga. As you now will see, we have released a new newsletter where a lot of new information is included. So please be sure to read it carefully. We will also send selected photos that you can use for your FB pages. But here below are some of the points and info from the meetings:

1. Our registrations are now up to 305,890 as of the moment. Active users with deposits are around 7500.

2. In addition to our 4 facilities in Poland, we have in Latvia 1 receiving and storing facility in Riga, 2 operating recycling facilities, and 1 that is in the last stages of construction and preparation. When this is operational, it will bring up our facility workers to around 100 people in total.

3. Website changes:
a. There is now a "change master" button on the user profile page, but this is a mistake and will be taken off. Our sponsor change policy remains as before.
b. When users tick "automatic compound", it will send profits to account balance AND automatically buy waste for the user until he reaches his quota of 5000kg.
c. Withdrawal email confirmation links expire in 24 hours. If they do not click it in time, the withdrawal will fail and the funds will go back to withdrawal balance. They can then start a new request.
d. The status of their withdrawal request can be seen in the history page, and it is color coded: green is successful, gray is in process, and red is failed or canceled.

4. We are in the final stages of opening representative offices in Morocco (Agadir near Marrakesh), Germany (Koblenz between Cologne and Frankfurt), and Brazil (Castro, Parana State). Official openings for Morocco and Germany will happen in the next couple of months, while in Brazil it will be Spring 2016 hopefully. Official news and photos will of course be made available in time.

5. The Open Days schedule will be officially announced in the Brussels expo. The first open days will be in mid-April in Riga, Latvia for better weather and to make sure that all our facilities are already operational and presentable. Users will be responsible for their own travel arrangements to Riga.

6. Users are becoming so undisciplined with bank deposits, and their carelessness and mistakes are creating troubles for our finance and accounting people. To try and improve this, a fee of 5 euros will be deducted for every deposit that is incorrect or incomplete. This is in the newsletter to make the users aware.

7. Company accounts may be allowed soon. Please stand by for more specific info on this.
Có bác nào trong này dep thành công bằng thẻ visa debit của ACB sau khi kích hoạt 3D chưa :D. Em muốn biết để đỡ mất công ra rút ngân hàng cho vào ACB mà cuối cùng lại ko dep được thì buồn lắm :oops:
Có bác nào trong này dep thành công bằng thẻ visa debit của ACB sau khi kích hoạt 3D chưa :D. Em muốn biết để đỡ mất công ra rút ngân hàng cho vào ACB mà cuối cùng lại ko dep được thì buồn lắm :oops:
Kích hoạt 3d và thử luôn 20 E đi em :D VCB của anh vẫn dep bình thường.

DEP bằng Bitcoin hay Vísa cái nào tốt hơn hả a? Đơn giản ko phức tạp.

BTC em nhé, không mất fee.

Cập nhật thêm vài hình ảnh mới về RC:

"New data from PlasticsEurope has found growth in plastics waste collection.

The annual overview, published by industry organizations PlasticsEurope and the European Association of Plastics Recycling & Recovery (EPRO) found that 7.7 million metric tons of plastics waste was collected in 2014, up from 6.6 million tonnes in 2012.

The study also found that 69.2 percent of waste plastic was recycled or used to generate energy, according to data compiled by the consulting company Consultic.

The amount of post-consumer waste plastics generated in the European Union, Norway and Switzerland stood at 25.8 million tonnes, up from 25.2 million tonnes in 2013. The United Kingdom recycled 29 percent of its waste plastic.

The highest recycling rate was seen in Norway, where it reached 40 percent. Rates topping 30 percent were achieved in Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, Portugal and Estonia.

Malta ranked last with approximately 14 percent."
Giờ còn chơi được hk bác
Dự án đang trong quá trình phát triển mà bạn.

Cập nhật tin tức từ Recyclix (Dự án đầu tư và tái chế rác thải có thật đến từ Balan) ngày 06-01-2016.

1. Chúng tôi đang trong giai đoạn cuối cùng của việc mở văn phòng đại diện tại Ma-rốc (Agadir gần Marrakech), Đức (Koblenz giữa Cologne và Frankfurt), và Brazil (Bang Castro và Parana ). Qúa trình mở văn phòng chính thức ở Morocco và Đức sẽ hoàn thành trong vài tháng tới, trong khi ở Brazil sẽ là mùa xuân năm 2016. Tin tức chính thức và hình ảnh sẽ được cung cấp trong thời gian tới.

2. RC đã có tới 305,890 thành viên đăng ký và hiện tại có khoản 7500 nhà đầu tư trực tiếp vào dự án.

3. Ngoài 4 cơ sở chính ở BaLan. Chúng tôi còn có 1 cơ sở tiếp nhận và phân loại rác ở thủ đô Riga - Latvia. 2 cơ sở điều hành tái chế và 1 trong số đó đang trong giai đoạn cuối của quá trình xây dựng và chuẩn bị cơ sở vật chất.

4. Website của RC sẽ có 1 và thay đổi thông minh hơn trong thiết kế để phù hợp và tiện sử dụng.

5. Các yêu cầu thanh toán sẽ gửi email xác nhận và nếu bạn không xác nhận email đó trong vòng 24h thì tiền sẽ được trả về tài khoản RC.
Em tést site này gần 2 tháng rồi mà vẫn chưa hiểu nó tính thế nào. Anh 6 giúp em giải thích với
Chuyện là em dùng 20$ nó cho để mua Waste = 100 kg.
Trong Profile chỉnh: Restart automatically and compound profit
Sau đó em để cho nó tự auto làm gì làm.
Em để ý là thời gian để rác từ Waste => Granules mất tầm 5 tuần thì phải. Sau khi kết thúc 1 chu kỳ như vậy. Site sẽ auto mua Waste để tiếp tục
Vậy tại sao trong Balance của em lại có 0.2€ và withdrawal balance là 0.07€
Trong khi đó em đọc mấy cmt ở trên thì thấy anh 6 bảo là ko dc bán trước 40 tuần ?

Em tést site này gần 2 tháng rồi mà vẫn chưa hiểu nó tính thế nào. Anh 6 giúp em giải thích với
Chuyện là em dùng 20$ nó cho để mua Waste = 100 kg.
Trong Profile chỉnh: Restart automatically and compound profit
Sau đó em để cho nó tự auto làm gì làm.
Em để ý là thời gian để rác từ Waste => Granules mất tầm 5 tuần thì phải. Sau khi kết thúc 1 chu kỳ như vậy. Site sẽ auto mua Waste để tiếp tục
Vậy tại sao trong Balance của em lại có 0.2€ và withdrawal balance là 0.07€
Trong khi đó em đọc mấy cmt ở trên thì thấy anh 6 bảo là ko dc bán trước 40 tuần ?


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