Rút tiền từ PP về VCB

Mình đã contact nhưng mà phản hồi chậm lắm
Thế cậu đã thử đại loại như: "Tôi cảm thấy thật sự thất vọng về cách thức làm việc của Paypal. Hay bởi vì tôi chỉ là một khách hàng của các bạn giao dịch với số tiền không lớn? Thực sự nếu việc này được tiết lộ lên các diễn đàn, nó sẽ ảnh hưởng rất lớn đến uy tín của các bạn". Mình có lần đã làm thế và kết quả khá khả quan. :D
Refund cũng lâu, mãi mà ko thấy tiền đâu

Greetings from PayPal! My name is Zar and it'll be my pleasure to respond to your email today.

I understand that you are inquiring about a withdrawal you had made on 16th July 2016 as you are yet to see the funds in your bank account. As it stands, we have a raised a request to locate the funds for you and we are working with the banks to push the funds to your account.

I kindly request your patience on this matter as we are still in the midst of this investigation. Rest assured that we are working to the best of our abilities to locate the money for you.

We will be sure to update you once the funds have been located.

Thank you for choosing PayPal. We are committed to making your experience with PayPal pleasant and rewarding. We welcome your feedback and hope you recommend us to your friends and family.

Please make sure you have a valid mobile phone number on your PayPal account so that we can contact you if we need to confirm any unusual account activity and protect you from unauthorized account use. To add or update a mobile phone number is easy: Log in to your PayPal account, click "Profile" near the top of the page, and then click "Update" beside "Phone."

Whenever you have any questions, just email us or call us by clicking "Help" at the bottom of any PayPal page.

PayPal Customer Solutions


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