HYIP sasearnings.com - Accept PZ LR PM - 156% after 3 days


Jan 2, 2012
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You have successfully submitted your dispute.

The seller was notified of your claim and must answer you within the next 7 calendar days.

When the seller replies to your dispute, the dispute status will be updated and you will receive an email.

To view the status of your dispute and to manage it, visit the Resolution Center's main page and select the dispute in your list of disputes in progress, or click on the "Manage Dispute" button below.

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Manage Dispute
Anh em mở dispute hết đi nha :D


Jul 5, 2012
chú thớt dzỡ như shit site đã Scam chỉ biết nói AE mở dispute đi rồi ẩn lun, thế mà đòi ăn reff . Ít ra cũng có bài hd AE chưa biết mở dispute chứ , vãi đái .
p/s : AE nào hk biết mở dis thì làm theo HD :
B1: My Payza AccountB2: Resolution Center

B3: File A Dispute (chọn file mà bạn đã dep cho site)

What was the type of the purchase --> Donation

What is the purchase --> nothing
What is the seller's website address (optional) --> bỏ trống

What best describes your case --> Description did not match --> click Other --> Điền SCAM

Provide to the seller the reason for filing this dispute (copy bên dưới)
this is scam site, they took our money without doing what they say. I hope you help me get a refund
thank you

Chọn -->I would like a full refund What is the seller's website address (optional) --> bỏ trống

What best describes your case --> Description did not match --> click Other --> Điền SCAM

Provide to the seller the reason for filing this dispute (copy bên dưới)
this is scam site, they took our money without doing what they say. I hope you help me get a refund
thank you

Chọn -->I would like a full refund
Go into your Payza Account

Click on Down Arrow (top left hand side Main Menu button) => Resolution Center => File Dispute Button (right hand side)

Choose the transaction record

write something like..
Hello Sir,
I made a deposit of $xx to make an advertisement purchase and to earn from the profit sharing pool as promised on the site home page & FAQ section...I was told by the admin that site is under pre launch and I will be able to make purchase on XX date & time.I wrote to their support XX time but I yet got to hear from them.I even wrote to the admin payza e-mail account (give the admin payza e-mail) but I guess he is in no mood to offer the service as he is not replying to any e-mail note I personally sent him.
I have been waiting since XX days and now,I believe I have been victim of SCAM.
I would like to get a refund as site admin is not giving service what he has promised on the site pages.
Please help me out to get my fund.

Best Regards
Your name

===>> nguồn học hỏi mấy pác 4r nên trúng của ai cũng đừng ném ....chi


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