TopAdsMedia Content Locking Affiliate Network!25 $ payout threshold!autoapproval!

I did try 3 months, however, Admin usually minus 70% of my income. Is there anyone like me?
We always pay what advertiser pays us.Lately we lost 2 advertisers and 3500 offers.We have reversals from 2000 to 13000$ each month.And yes thêre ảre guys with very few reversals.Even 2 with 0 reversals.

P.S:If your traffic is very good or perfect,we would gladly add even cash bonuses with it.Most advertisers we work with,they ảre vẻry strict on fraud/bad quality traffic.On all networks,frauds gets you banned and unpaid.We,give people second chances and still pay them as much as advertisers pay us.

Choose "Off" bro :rolleyes:
tháng trước delay gần 1 tháng, tháng này ko biết bao nhiêu ngày đây, "tu đây tơ mo râu" 2 lần rồi
skrill xử lý nhanh gọn lẹ nhất mà vẫn pending, lầy lội thật, =))
p/s: acc các bác có bị up lên thành net 30 ko @@
All people start with net 15.Still some advertisers pay us net 30 and some net 15.If you run net 15 offers then you get paid net 15.The same for net 30 ,if you run net 30 offers.Thank you for your patience and understanding.
All people start with net 15.Still some advertisers pay us net 30 and some net 15.If you run net 15 offers then you get paid net 15.The same for net 30 ,if you run net 30 offers.Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Move to status "Complete" after pending 4 days. thanks Admin


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