Matrix TrafficNetPlus - ROI UP TO 120%. PayPal, PayZa, STP.

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Thông báo hẳn luôn là Jean dẫn đầu về lượng ref ko hiểu j :(
Admin site thông báo chứ Jean không xác nhận nhé!

Mà nếu điều đó xẩy ra thì cũng hết sức bình thường. Hiện nay rất nhiều admin các RVS đang đầu tư vào TNC mà.

Còn điều này không chứng minh rằng Jean có phải là 1 phần của TNP hay không.
Total Members:
chơi với PP thì xác định phải là acc già khú đế :oops: còn ko thì ........... next thoai :oops:
Hello Team!

So far the Technical team is improving with all final testings to get ready for the big Launch.
You will be notified when you can start upgrading your account at least 24 hours before the launch date.

Some of you are still sending me message asking to not doing business with PayPal
because of what is going on with other Revshare Programs.
Guys, we are in this together, If you lose money, I will lose money too.
Honestly, I have no intention of failling you by using PayPal.
All I can advise you to do, If you are not Comfortable using PayPal ,
Please start with Payza or STP.
In the future, If one Account is under review, we intend to continue with
the other two accounts just keep the business going on.
Can you use more than one processor?
Yes please feel free to fund your account with all 3 Payment processors.
People still sending me message asking for proof and date of screenshot that TNP is business verified,
Please refer to previous Facebook posts. Please also ask your referals to join the Facebook group
if they have not done so before. Please read admin news as well.

Best regards

Velly Duverny
TrafficNetPlus Admin
TNP đã gặp vấn đề với PP (ngay sau khi TNC sụp đổ, thật trùng hợp :D).
lại thêm site gần với bờ đê hơn bao giờ hết :oops:. Mới chạy được có vài tuần đã thế này

Recently we have been contacted by PayPal to let us know that TNP account froze for 180 days.
Payza and STP will will not be affected, anyone who add funds with STP or Payza
will still get pay and make purchases .
Because of this situation, we took the following decisions:
Payza Members
If your withdraw money please expect delays this week at leat 4 days delays
Why ? Most PayPal Members trying to withdraw with Payza.
we are double checking all requests to see who really did add funds with Payza.
STP members
Please expect more than 72 hours in payment because we have problem with the
payment system for STP, The programmers are working on the issue
PayPal Member
All your Ad-Packs will be an Pending status until PayPal release the funds.
as of today any perchase made with PayPal will start earning.
There no point to let your share active while We cant access PayPal fund to give you
Please do not use PAYZA or STP to withdraw if you did not fund with them.
NOTE: Please do not send ticket or facebook messages about PayPal or Withdrawals
We already answer these question here, and we will still continue to PayPal to see what
can be done.
Why this review happen now?
Because PayPal members were not happy when I put limit on what people can fund with PayPal. They file claims with PayPal for that, and they believe TNP is an investment company.
TrafficNetPlus Admin
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