Matrix Twizsales - Bom tấn đến từ Tây Ban Nha.

Hello dear members,

We have receive many contacts from members asking about functions we have in Rented workers page.

We decide open this topic to clear all members doubts.

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Above you can see a print screen of Rented Workers page, where are located the functions where members have many doubts.

I will explain how these functions works:

Autopay (1):
if you activate autopay, system will add 1 more day to expiration date to all Workers. System add 1 more add even if referral didn't click! With Autopay active you save 5% in total renew price. Money to pay Autopay is deducted from rental balance.

AutoRenew (2):
Extend For: in this field you choose how many days Workers will be extended, discount applied is same as you extend them manually.
Under: in this field you choose when Auto Renew system will be trigger, if you choose 3 days, when Workers expiration date is less than 3 days, system will extend them for days you selected above
Money to pay AutoRenew is deducted from rental balance, if not enough money in rental balance, money will be deducted from balance. if no money in both, referrals will not be renew.

Show (3):
In these function you can filter Workers you manually add color, it didn't filter color added from Auto Color system.

Auto Color(4):
With this function active you can see workers that are giving you profit or not. In legend you can see how much profit you are getting per color. You can manually change color of referrals, all colors manually set will keep above auto colors.

I hope this explanation help members understand how system works. Any doubt you can post in these topic.

Best Regards and good earnings to all


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