Referrer Ultimatepowerprofits site mới

chả bik die hay không nữa :binhsua76:
nhưng thấy cách làm việc của site này không đc hay cho lắm , cứ gia hạn này gia hạn nọ =.=
nếu vụ nói 1-9 này open có thật rồi lại ko open thỳ hơi đáng lo thiệt :binhsua75:
sáng mở SP sau 5' đã nhận đc câu trả lời , phía nó có nói rằng chưa hề đưa ra thời điểm mở cửa chính thức nào cả và nó khuyên là nên theo dõi NEWS thường xuyên trên web thôi :binhsua41:
tình hình là cứ cách vài hôm nó lại tổ chức họp và đưa ra mấy cái hướng dẫn thui , chứ mình sp suốt ngày nào cũng gửi 1 ticket cho đỡ chán :binhsua24:
nhưng nó toàn bảo chờ :binhsua32:
Join the GO TEAM on our Official Facebook Page!
Thursday, 20 September 2012 3:40 PM
Hi Everyone!

Please note that in preparation for our launch, it is necessary to expand our computer servers to deliver outstanding service. We have choose the upcoming weekend, September 21 – 23, to complete this necessary and routine task.

Please note that during this expansion there may be intermittent times that login may not be accessible.

However, we have a mission for all of you — we ask that you all click on the GO picture below and join us on Facebook as our friend! This is a great opportunity for all of us to form one of the strongest social network communities in our business!
Plus, when you LIKE us on Facebook, you can interact with the GO TEAM and stay up to date on our social media updates! Within the next week we will be launching our GLOBALONE NEWSROOM VIDEO SERIES so stayed tuned!

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing all of you on Facebook!

The GO Team

Tin vui là đây chăng ? :binhsua17:
đã có thể nâng cấp member rồi

With one of the largest worldwide launches the planet has ever seen — We will be going live in 3 Phases over the next approximate 20 days …

In prepaying for Phase 1 Elements of Wealth you can pay by Debit/Credit Card, ACH, Bank Wire, or Cash —

— Phase 2 will begin on, or about, October 10th when your monthly billing cycle will begin. (You will not be charged again until November 10th)

Wealth Educational and Knowledge Information Newsletter and Software ...
Contains new information, lessons, education, etc, every month
Each month builds on the previous month(s) educational materials
Written specifically for GlobalOne Members for general global wealth knowledge

As most of you will be making respectable commissions for the very first time, and a great number of you will be earning wealth beyond your wildest dreams and expectations — The Elements of Wealth is important to your future and the foundation to build your future upon ...

... This foundation of GlobalOne is about you earning money and providing a great future for you and your family. We want to assist you in understanding all facets of money, empowerment, and global wealth. This information you will obtain is reserved for the Insiders ... the Elites ... the Top 1% of the World Wealth Earners.

With this knowledge and software, you will quickly understand why the Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Poorer — The RICH have access to information and knowledge that you simply do not have. Elements of Wealth elevates you to their level ... Which you will soon learn is a great place to be!

Elements of Wealth is your first FULLY Commissionable Product that Begins Your Path to Prosperity!


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