Matrix UltimateRevShare - - Hot Revshare, ROI upto 150% - Payza , PM, STP và Okpay

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Jun 14, 2015
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Cập nhật tin từ mail:

Hi all,
quick update on whats been happening behind the scenes at URS:

1, Added 2pay4you, still need to activate IPN (Instant Payment Notification)

2. Finally got BTC to work, except no BTC address showing when paying (work in progress)

3. Surfing requirements: No surfing has been extended until March 5th, reason being that our
programmer is not only busy with other clients, but also as a priority, I want him to fix all Payment
processing FIRST! Once the surfing file has been re coded to allow 24 countdown start regardless
when you surf, that will be implemented!

4. Cronjobs, when paying the hourly distribution of funds, the cronjob is simply taking too long,
that's being looked at by another very experienced guy as we speak.

5. Traffic Packages, I have just added our new Mobile Traffic Packs, as ppl access the net via phone/tablets
more and more these days, it seems very appropriate to offer such service!

6. Our own URS app, should be ready within 2-3 days and will be available from a major download site for a ONE TIME
FEE of $1 = more revenue for URS.

7. Attention FREE members: I have deleted several payout requests via PM, reason being, with limited amounts
coming in, those funds WILL be reserved for those only, that deposited via PM in the first place, feel free to use
either Payza or STP, OR, make a minimum deposit of $5 using PM, then it's all good.

8. Banner ads, I am still deleting a LOT of banners every day, main reason being, NO image showing at all, especially
TripleThreat and FortAd banners, check your code BEFORE submitting, Thanks.
Also, anything remotely adult orientated or such will be denied!

9. Payout threshold: Payout max will be increased to $120 some time today, again, far too many members trying
multiple payouts within 24h - NOT good guys, please stick to the rules!

That should be all for today, let's have a great week ahead, until next time:
Stay Awesome
Thanh toán mới nhận :)

The amount of 22.6 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U4074426->U9238XXX. Memo: URS Payment - Please post proof of payment in our FB group.. Date: 04:50 01.03.16. Batch: 121781XXX.
Tiền về tiếp:)

The amount of 30 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U4074426->U9238XXX. Memo: URS Payment - Please post proof of payment in our FB group. . Date: 02:56 02.03.16. Batch: 122037XXX
Got paid ::)

The amount of 15.7 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U4074426->U9238XXX. Memo: URS Payment - Please post proof of payment in our FB group.. Date: 03:28 03.03.16. Batch: 122169XXX.
The amount of 13 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U4074426->U9238XXX. Memo: URS Payment - Please post proof of payment in our FB group. . Date: 15:17 03.03.16. Batch: 122240XXX
Dạo này admin pay rất nhanh các bạn nhé, đặc lệnh rút khoản 1h sau là tiền về :)

The amount of 16 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U4074426->U9238XXX. Memo: URS Payment - Please post proof of payment in our FB group.. Date: 03:11 04.03.16. Batch: 122298XXX.
*** Cập nhật tin tức khá quan trong ngày 7-3 về URS ***
Chi tiết các bạn click vào link bên dưới để xem bản gốc. Mình sẽ nêu những ý chính (các dòng thông báo màu xanh) cho đợt update sắp tới của site đễ mọi người hiểu.
Cụ thể script hiện tại của site cứ gây lỗi hoài nên admin quyết định mướn các nhà phát triển site khác đến từ Microsoft để phát triển script riêng cho site nhằm nâng cao chất lượng thương mại hơn nữa. Và thời gian để chuyển sang script mới sẽ thực hiện tuần tự như sau:
Mọi người chú ý các dòng màu xanh lá cây trong bản gốc nhé. Dự kiến thời gian chuyển sang script mới là 1 tuần, bắt đầu từ hôm nay, thứ 2 ngày 7-3) :
Bước 1: Sẽ bắt đầu tắt chức năng add funds từ thứ 2 đến 12h khuya (giờ server)
Bước 2: Tắt chức năng mua shares từ thứ sáng thứ 3
Bước 3: Tắt chức năng chia lãi (earnings) từ thứ 4
Bước 4: Tắt chức năng rút tiền và các tính năng khác từ thứ 5
Bước 5: Từ thứ 6 đến chủ nhật sẽ tiến hành di chuyển dữ liệu từ script cũ sang script mới.
Và sau khi chuyển script xong sẽ có những chế độ hậu mãi, khuyến mãi, tăng lãi, v..v.... :D Nói chung bắt đầu giống với HQ, có thể xem site này như HQ2 cũng được :D
This is the step by step timeplan:
Step 1. Adding funds will be disabled from Monday midnight servertime!
Step 2. New purchases will be disabled from Tuesday midnight.
Step 3. Earnings will be stopped as of Wednesday midnight!
Step 4. Withdrawals and ALL other functions will be disabled by Thursday midnight!
Step 5. All data, your details, media packs etc, will be transferred over Friday and Saturday to the new setup, this is a HUGE operation as we are talking 2 complete different programming languages and will take at least 2 full days, it's a bit like trying to make a french onion soup out of chinese chicken and sweet corn soup
Thanh toán vừa nhận :)

The amount of 48.7 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U4074426->U9238XXX. Memo: URS Payment - Please post proof of payment in our FB group. . Date: 06:09 07.03.16. Batch: 122646XXX.


Jan 5, 2012
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sợ chạy còn ko kịp ai có hứng thú với nghiệp cát ca đơ thì có thể ở lại thử :rolleyes:
Cùng hóng và chờ đợi sự lột xác của URS trong khoản 1 tuần nữa nhé các bạn. ;)

The amount of 22 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U4074426->U9238XXX. Memo: URS Payment - Please post proof of payment in our FB group. . Date: 05:08 08.03.16. Batch: 122767XXX.
** URS Cập nhật thông tin và proof mới ***

Cập nhật về các thông tin Packs lượng DEP vào và rút ra để mọi người đánh giá và đầu tư :
Rank alexa : 68.476 => ngưỡng phát triển mạnh của 1 RVS
Total Members : 3151
Total Purchases : $569710
Total Paidout : $55637.45
Launch Date : 2/15/2016
Phân tích : lượng đầu tư thật qua 3 tuần khoản: 200-220k$
Tổng rút : khoảng cách chênh lệch 150-170k$ rút và dep
Rate tăng đều , lượng mem từ khi chạy đến nay mỗi ngày đạt trung bình 120 mem .. Vẫn còn an toàn cho các bạn đầu tư mới nhé.
Và mình tin rằng site sẽ còn khoảng thời gian tốt nữa nếu admin làm tốt các vấn đề .. như trong bản cập nhật hôm qua.
Các thông tin khác về site:

Site nhìn hơi cùi, nhưng tiền không cùi chút nào :D

The amount of 21 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U4074426->U9238XXX. Memo: URS Payment - Please post proof of payment in our FB group or via a testimonial in your back office!. Date: 03:50 09.03.16. Batch: 122890XXX.

PS. trên là proof lãi :)
Last edited:
Cập nhật thanh toán mới nhận, site vẫn pay rất đều và rất nhanh, chưa hề chậm trể, các proof của mình chưa cái nào quá 10h. :)

The amount of 23 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U4074426->U923XXXX. Memo: URS Payment - Please post proof of payment in our FB group or via a testimonial in your back office! . Date: 04:16 10.03.16. Batch: 12302XXXX.
Latest Update:

Hi all,
here is the latest update from the programmer of our own script:
Pending points to be completed:
Solo ads
Static ads
Ad approval in admin
Surf bar design ( function ready need to design well)
Admin dashboard (all configuration is done) only dashboard for tracking
Email alerts..
This functions will need 3-4 more days....

So for now I will keep things running as before, please note that I will need to pause purchasing every now and then, here is why:
Most the time the cron job actually does its job = paying ALL packs!
There are however times, when there are too many packs waiting to be paid and the cron doesnt complete what it started to do!
So every now and then I need to pause purchases, to give the system a chance to catch up!

It does so by obviously feeding the oldest packs first of which some then will expire, thus reducing the number of packs in the system!
With absolutely NO support from the programmer of this current script, it's a difficult task, however I will do whatever it takes to make sure earnings are as stable as possible until we are moving to our new script!!

Have an awesome weekend!

Hi all, here is the latest update from the programmer of our own script:
I have successfully done a trial transfer of members data and media packs!

This is the best news I have received all week, as our biggest concern was the data transfer. With that out of the way, we can now concentrate on getting the new script completed!
To give you some idea on what the new back office will look like, go to I am sure that you will like what you see!

There are still some very important features to be completed, we think that we should be ready for testing by Wednesday at the VERY latest!
Just to quickly explain why the join page is not allowing new registrations: The current script is barely managing the number of members we currently have, so it would make no sense in letting new members join, only to create even more problems for ALL accounts!
In addition to whats happening, I have another programmer trying to improve the current cronjob, so I can remove ALL restrictions until we are moving! I estimate that to be done within 24h from now, IF all goes well, then we will re-open registrations and go back to normal operations until we migrate!

Once we have tested the new script 100%, I will send out another message with an exact time on when we will shut down the current script to transfer all to the new set-up! FYI: Your referral links will stay the same, so there will be no need to change anything at all.
I estimate that the total shutdown before migration to the new script should be no more than 24 hours, assuming that all goes well. So there you have it, we are getting extremely close to our goal of running OUR program on our own script, no more needing to beg and chase people to get this fixed and that fixed.

Have an awesome weekend!
Site vẫn pay rất đều và nhanh, chưa hề chậm trể ngày nào :D

The amount of 48.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U4074426->U9238XXX. Memo: URS Payment - Please post proof of payment in our FB group or via a testimonial in your back office! . Date: 14:43 14.03.16. Batch: 123611XXX.
Cập nhật thanh toán mới nhật. Tiền vẫn về rất nhanh và đều các bạn nhé. Khả năng hôm nay admin sẽ mở lại chức năng cho thành viên đăng ký mới và DEP tiền vào :)

The amount of 12 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U4074426->U9238XXX. Memo: URS Payment - Please post proof of payment in our FB group or via a testimonial in your back office! . Date: 15:46 17.03.16. Batch: 124056XXX.
Update từ FB:

Hi all,
I have some VERY exciting news for you: We have a new cron job that actually works! What does that mean?
It basically means that we can go back to normal operations including new registrations! The old 'cron' took approx 35-40 minutes to complete it's job due to some very bad coding by the scripts developer, thanks to Maddie Shah, that time has been cut to about 13 minutes for the same amount of data!
What that means is 2 things: 1. Pressure is off our new programmerto have the new script completed by 'yesterday' and 2. We can re-open registrations right now - AWESOME!

Good things come to those who wait!
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