Matrix UltimateRevShare - - Hot Revshare, ROI upto 150% - Payza , PM, STP và Okpay

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Jun 14, 2015
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Chỉ sau 2 ngày cho đăng ký lại thì em ấy đã nhảy vọt từ 3k lên 4k thành viên, lượng đầu tư đỗ vào cũng tăng lên đáng kễ. Điều này cho thấy site đang phát triển rất tốt và rất HOT, thời điểm này đầu tư vào vẫn còn an toàn đến hết tháng 3 ;)
Lãi xuất 12% ngày
No fee membership
Rp 50/50
Sử dụng : Payza , Pm , STP , BTC , PE , Okpay
Các thông tin khác về site:
Hiện tại site đã dc 1 tháng
Thanh toán mới nhận :)

The amount of 34.7 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U4074426->U9238XXX. Memo: URS Payment - Please post proof of payment in our FB group or via a testimonial in your back office!. Date: 05:27 21.03.16. Batch: 124515XXX.
Tiền về............. Site trông cùi mía nhưng tiền về rất ngọt ngào :)

The amount of 11 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U4074426->U9238XXX. Memo: Please post proof of payment in our FB group or via a testimonial in your back office! . Date: 03:24 22.03.16. Batch: 124657XXX.
Cập nhật thông tin mới từ URS:


Hi all,
I have some VERY exciting news for you: The new script will be tested later today and it's looking better than awesome! Now to start implementing the change and keep in mind my upcoming 4 day trip to Singapore, here are some important dates:
Thursday March 24TH, all purchases of PAID ads will be disabled, so members can get their maximum 7days money's worth!
Friday March 25th, last day for deposits and new members to join!
Monday March 28th, earnings will stop at midnight server time.
Tueday March 29th, last withdrawals possible til midnight server time!
Wednesday March 30th at midnight, the whole site will go into maintenance mode, so the programmer can do his job to transfer the main data, what will be transferred? All Active packs, ALL balances, ALL referrals.
What will not be transferred? ALL Ads, hence the cutoff time 7 days before. Reason this can't be done that the logic in the new database is completely differently coded and it would take at least 1 week to transfer over 400,ooo lots of data, NO thanks, haha.
You will then be invited to login to your account On April 1st on the new script and a powerful new cloud server!

Now, as most of you know by now, I always look at ways to make URS better than bullet proof to ensure the LONG TERM success of this great adventure. Most of you have also heard that there will be a capping on earnings! That has NEVER been done before and - once again - we are setting a new bench mark!

Now whilst some people may not like this at all, let me remind you once again:
We are NOT an Investment, HYIP, MLM, Matrix, Cycler or Currency Exchange site.
We are first and foremost an advertising service - PERIOD!
Receiving a share of our revenue is an absolute bonus and NEVER guaranteed by most sites! Look at the total of sites GONE in the past 4 month: 23 that I know of!! Total estimated money LOST by members: Appox $8,5 MILLION dollars!
There are a couple of very well known sites in trouble currently and I myself for 1 can't see any of them last that much longer!

As an admin that cares about you, your family and most importantly YOUR money, I have to make decisions that may not be popular, BUT will prevent URS form going down the same path as so many before us for a VERY LONG TIME!

How the 300% actually works in detail and how you can benefit the most out of it, will be explained shortly and added to our files section in the FB group! I will provide a copy of it on our new site/script so there is NO confusion at all!

That's all for today, Thanks for your wonderful support. You guys ROCK!
Rút 1 phát tiền về sau 10 phút :D

The amount of 11.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U4074426->U9238XXX. Memo: Please post proof of payment in our FB group or via a testimonial in your back office! . Date: 03:18 23.03.16. Batch: 124806XXX.
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