Matrixên bản 2 của Adbrook, Adpack 1$,155% ROI, không cần surf

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Chẳng là có mấy pro hay tính 1 vòng hay 1 chu kỳ, theo mình hiểu là 1 vòng hồi vốn/cả vốn lẫn lãi còn bạn tính vòng đời của nó hay sao :eek:

Ý m là nó chạy hết ROI 155 đó mà.
From Admin

Hello members, we appreciate all those who are posting their payments proof here. Please we encourage all members to keep posting their payment proof here. Our goal is to payout over $1,000,000.00 before end of November.

We continue to thank you all for your support.


From Admin

Hello members, we appreciate all those who are posting their payments proof here. Please we encourage all members to keep posting their payment proof here. Our goal is to payout over $1,000,000.00 before end of November.

We continue to thank you all for your support.



Cố lên mục tiêu thiên niên kỷ sắp đạt được rồi còn mấy trăm k$ nữa bác oma?:D:)
Bác cố gắng đợi thêm từ 6-8 tháng nữa nhé :D, hôm trước bác oma đã dự báo thời tiết rồi.o_O
Chẳng lẽ giờ yêu thêm anh 155 này? đang cặp bồ với anh RAB, sắp đá anh RAB rồi, chỉ sợ anh 155 lúc ấy lại hết mực :p
You are under DDoS attack so powerful that CloudFLare is helpless.
Pay 2 BTC to 1Q29bwhAS7BTn4r3QHJYfnr1hHpCjMKExu and attack will stop and you are free for lifetime of your program.
Best regards,
Emil Kovach
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Emil Kovach <[email protected]>
4:04 PM (4 minutes ago)
to support, me, D45A72478B0B4F.
Attack was ON for 1 hour. I have temporarily stopped to give you time to read email and act.
But if not paid soon, attack will restart and price to stop will increase.
Pay now and you are free for lifetime of your program.
On 2015-10-24 13:04, Emil Kovach wrote:
You are under DDoS attack so powerful that CloudFLare is helpless.
Pay 2 BTC to 1Q29bwhAS7BTn4r3QHJYfnr1hHpCjMKExu and attack will stop
and you are free for lifetime of your program.
Best regards,
Emil Kovach

1 hình thức kiếm $$$ mới : ddos tống $$$ :oops:
From admin: Bỏ thanh toán Instant

Hello members,

We are glad to inform our members that we have now reached 6,000 members in growth since over a month that we launched.
Earlier today our site experienced a serious ddos attack that brought the site down for over 3 hours but our technical team did
a good job mitigating the attack and finally putting our site back online.

But as we grow and want to become a long term program. We have finally disabled Instant payout. It comes with too many
security challenges.
Henceforth, after withdrawal is placed it goes into pending and upon verification payout will be paid but we will do our best to process
every withdrawal in the shortest time possible.

Thanks for your understanding as we look forward to serving you better.

155ProfitAds Admin team
Nó bỏ instant withdraw mà sao cổng pm mất tiêu luôn. Có ai biết gì về chuyện này chỉ mình với.
Đây là động thái rất không bình thường từ 155PA

1. Bị tấn công DDOS
2. Bỏ instant thanh toán
3. Remove cổng PM trong phần withdraw, trong khi vẫn thấy tiền PM trong phần Main balance

Site cũng chạy đựơc 41 ngày, hãy chờ xem phản hồi từ Admin và các diễn đàn MMO khác xem sao
From Admin

Hello members, we appreciate all those who are posting their payments proof here. Please we encourage all members to keep posting their payment proof here. Our goal is to payout over $1,000,000.00 before end of November.

We continue to thank you all for your support.



Thằng Admin này cũng khá lành mạnh đó nhỉ. Nó vừa hướng đến Our goal is to payout over $1,000,000.00 before end of November. thì đã ra khơi.
Nó mà để đến 15/11 mới bán cam chắc kiếm thêm được 1 mớ.:D
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