SCAM nobox -


Hãy tham gia NOBOX cùng mình - Cơ hội của đầu tư - Hãy đặt $ đúng chỗ!​
March (somehow super soon!)
Bitcoin will join NoBox as an additional currency. With Bitcoin, we will not only have additional deposit options, but also exchange, withdrawal, and most importantly a shopping partner outside the investment world. Bitcoin will be a game changer! With Bitcoin NoBox is able to attract Shopping and cash-back partners. Additionally selling a bunch of ads, we wouldn't sell without this exiting currency addition.
Shortly after Bitcoin, NoBox will deliver the Shopping system, which replaces the Cash-Back method on our site. NoBox will still be offering cash-back's but in a more professional and easier shopping ecosystem.

April 2013
Bank Account Deposit, Exchange and Withdrawal to Bank Accounts World Wide will be supported. Additional the exchange system will be supporting Wallet to Cash-Balance and direct withdrawals. Switching the Exchange to a full currency exchange system, even for none revenue-pack holders.
At the same time, a Member to Member Exchange Facility will be introduced. NoBox will be acting as an escrow partner, to ensure each exchange. Members will also receive a point system, based on the amount of successful exchanges they have fulfilled. Members are able to exchange the currencies at their own exchange rate, yet creating a revenue to the security-holdback.

Mid-End April 2013
Banner Auction on Banner locations
The Auctions will pay bidders who lost on their Banner Offer 101% back of the bid on Adjustment Friday. Fun way to advertise or make some extra money. I will introduce and explain the system once it's ready. It's a little more complex and exiting as it is on MTV (in case you wonder where I got the idea.)

Mid-End April 2013
Credits become actual valuable. Credits can be traded for others as adding your page to the surf. Additionally you can trade credits to avoid, or reduce fees on transactions within the NoBox environment. Hopefully even some partners will be joining and offer discounts coupons to NoBox, what can be purchased with credits. Furthermore, Members will receive credits for more as just surfing. You will be rewarded for using referral links on the Monitoring page etc. Credits what seems at this time a side reward for surfing will actually become a "currency like power" on the entire NoBox Product. At the time of the Exit Strategy Switch, the credits can even be traded to actual cash! Detailed list of credit points and value list will be introduced during launch of this extension.

Videos vs Surf May 2013
A new Video presentation feature will be introduced. Here, advertisers can upload videos and advertise products. With the Video Presentation, we will offer our surf members the option to skip daily surfs in exchange to watch one Video Presentation.

Pay Per Click April-May 2013
The Pay Per Click feature will generate additional revenue to members, regardless if they are holding a membership or any revenue packs. Membership holders will earn a higher PPC rate as none membership or free members.

01.05.2013 (1st May)
ROI on Revenue-Pack Purchased (Future Sales) reduced to 220% for Members, 120% for none Members. Membership offers Adjusted. (Existing Revenue Packs are not effected).

01.06.2013 (1st June)
Free Member offer will be skipped, and Members need to have a membership to purchase future Revenue Packs.
Notice: The revenue-packs reward Members for helping to switch NoBox from an unknown revenue share system to an advertising, exchange, monitor, shopping, cash-back power house. This is the Extension and Exit Strategy. Most rewarded are the people who helped from the very beginning.

June 2013
NoBox Credit's (we might come up with a better name) Trading introduced. More information's before the system launches.
You have earned on a Revenue Pack. Below are the details of the transaction. These funds have been added to your Cash Balance.

Transaction ID: #3xxxx51
Date: Mar 13th, 2013 @ 11:55 pm
Amount: $8.00
Processor: Liberty Reserve
Notes: Earned 2.00% on Revenue Pack #231977

Thank You,
You have earned on a Revenue Pack. Below are the details of the transaction. These funds have been added to your Cash Balance.

Transaction ID: #3xxx750
Date: Mar 13th, 2013 @ 11:55 pm
Amount: $12.00
Processor: Liberty Reserve
Notes: Earned 2.00% on Revenue Pack #2xxx37

Thank You,
You have earned on a Revenue Pack. Below are the details of the transaction. These funds have been added to your Cash Balance.

Transaction ID: #3xxx749
Date: Mar 13th, 2013 @ 11:55 pm
Amount: $22.10
Processor: Liberty Reserve
Notes: Earned 2.00% on Revenue Pack #2xxx30

Thank You,
Last edited by a moderator:
Hey, just wanted to inform you, a cashout request on your NoBox account has been compleated.
Below are the transaction details.

Transaction ID: #2242154
Completed: Mar 14th, 2013 @ 02:04 am
Amount: $6.00
Fees: $0.00
Net Amount: $6.00
Processor: Liberty Reserve
Processor Account: Salary
Notes: Manual Cashout Request


================================================== ==========================
================================================== ===========
Please note that in all e-mails from Liberty Reserve we will:
1. Always address you by your first name.
2. Never send you any links or attached files.
3. Never ask you to send us your password and/or login PIN.
================================================== ===========

Dear Salary,

You have received a payment to your account (Salary):

Date: 3/14/2013 6:03 AM
Batch: 135638809
From Account: U6084555 (NOBOX)
Amount: $6.00
Memo: Cashout #2242154

Thank you.
Admin paid on time as clockwork - Please keep your good work - I think We are can get profit from . So please join soon!
================================================== ===========
Please note that in all e-mails from Liberty Reserve we will:
1. Always address you by your first name.
2. Never send you any links or attached files.
3. Never ask you to send us your password and/or login PIN.
================================================== ===========

Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,

You have received a payment to your account Uxxxxxxx
Date: 3/14/2013 6:03 AM
Batch: 135xxxx13
From Account: U6084555 (NOBOX)
Amount: $42.10
Memo: Cashout #2242153

Thank you.
3. Is my deposit with NoBox safe?

First of all NoBox is not an investment site, its a revenue portal. Unlike any other profit share website, NoBox does offers different products, cash-back on selected items and memberships. All this items generate returns to distribute. Banner ads, surf premium ads, text ads, affiliate revenue, cash-backs and referral commissions produced of my investnote links are contributing to the revenue-security holdback. It might not makes up for enormous returns, but it's a system what is unlikely to fail. Gazing at a 2% daily revenue, NoBox is a wealth building tool. Trust me if I say, NoBox is not just a traffic exchanger or revenue share system, you enjoy earnings safer as on any other website seen in the past.
3. Is my deposit with NoBox safe?

First of all NoBox is not an investment site, its a revenue portal. Unlike any other profit share website, NoBox does offers different products, cash-back on selected items and memberships. All this items generate returns to distribute. Banner ads, surf premium ads, text ads, affiliate revenue, cash-backs and referral commissions produced of my investnote links are contributing to the revenue-security holdback. It might not makes up for enormous returns, but it's a system what is unlikely to fail. Gazing at a 2% daily revenue, NoBox is a wealth building tool. Trust me if I say, NoBox is not just a traffic exchanger or revenue share system, you enjoy earnings safer as on any other website seen in the past.
Is Bitcoin Money?

Since Bitcoin is now a $400 million market, with its pricehitting new all-time highs, now might be good time to ask, is bitcoin money?

According to Aristotle, for something to be considered money, is has to fulfill four characteristics:

1) It must be durable. It can't fade, corrode.

2) It must be portable. It has to be 'dense' so that you can take it with you when you travel to the market.

3) It must be divisible or, 'fungible.' This means that if you break it up into smaller pieces each smaller piece when you add them up will equal the value of the original piece.

4) It must have intrinsic value. This means it must have value whether or not it's used as money per se.

Let's look at these four characteristics and see if they apply to Bitcoin.

1) Durability.

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer, decentralized form of money; as durable as the Internet itself. Remember, the Internet or DARPA as it was originally called, was created as a fail-safe, global network with no 'single point of failure.' If one part goes down, data takes another route and nothing is lost. So on this point the answer is "Yes," Bitcoin is durable.

2) Portability.

Bitcoin is probably the most portable money in the history of the world. I can download any amount onto a thumb drive and walk across any border without any problems. Or, I could commit to memory a line of code that I can then input into the network and save or spend Bitcoins. So on the point of portability, Bitcoin gets an Aristotelian "Yes."

3) Fungibility.

Bitcoin is probably the most fungible currency ever created. You can break it down by 10,000 decimal places and trade it just as easily without it changing in value so on this point the answer is also "Yes."

4) Intrinsic Value.

This is probably the characteristic that most people find difficult to comprehend. The intrinsic value of Bitcoin is very 21st century. If you think about it, what's the one thing that has become extremely scarce over the past thirty years that has grown in desirability? Privacy.

Privacy is an age of universal email collection and spying, with millions of CCTV camera's, and warrantless spying pervasive; privacy has become virtually non existent and therefore extremely scarce and desirable. Bitcoin can be a completely anonymous transaction that maintains the user's privacy beyond the reach of any authority. So on this point too, the answer is "Yes," Bitcoin fulfills Aristotle's need for having intrinsic value. Privacy is a desirable human right and people would want it even if it wasn't encoded as Bitcoins.

In conclusion, using Aristotle's four characteristics of money, Bitcoin fulfills all four. So then according to an Aristotelian definition, the answer is 'Yes.' Bitcoin is money.

Follow Max Keiser on Twitter:
You have earned on a Revenue Pack. Below are the details of the transaction. These funds have been added to your Cash Balance.

Transaction ID: #3893092
Date: Mar 14th, 2013 @ 11:55 pm
Amount: $6.00
Processor: Liberty Reserve
Notes: Earned 2.00% on Revenue Pack #231723

Thank You,

- - - Updated - - -

A new Cashout Request has been created in your account.
We will process the request within 48 hours

Transaction ID: #2242232
Created: Mar 14th, 2013 @ 11:56 pm
Amount: $6.00
Fees: $0.00
Net Amount: $6.00
Processor: Liberty Reserve
Processor Account: (Salary)
Notes: Manual Cashout Request

Regards, Karlo
ADMIN làm việc rất chuẩn chỉ - tiền về đúng giờ.

Hey, just wanted to inform you, a cashout request on your NoBox account has been compleated.
Below are the transaction details.

Transaction ID: #2xxxx33
Completed: Mar 15th, 2013 @ 02:07 am
Amount: $42.40
Fees: $0.00
Net Amount: $42.40
Processor: Liberty Reserve
Processor Account: U8xxxxx6
Notes: Manual Cashout Request

Conectingpeople cảm ơn lần nữa các bạn đã ghé thăm và tìm hiểu toppic này. NOBOX được đánh giá khá cao nó cũng là 1 Big Opportunity. Mong nhận được được sự hưởng ứng tham gia của các bạn. Ai là new bie có gì chưa rõ thì có thể add nick mình vô nhé. Thanks and good luck!
Hello Friends,

I need to start with some bad news, but going over to good news..

Bad news is during mass pay today I discovered Solidtrustpay has a message that I need to contact the administrator and the account seem to be on hold. I have no idea why, or got any feedback yet. However, I am sure this will be solved soon.

All other payments are as usual processed, and if we have no feedback by Tuesday we will open a free exchange to other currencies. Hopefully we have this issue cleared ASAP. Again, I not even know why, and there is no explanation for it from Solidtrustpay at this time.

I got some good news from the programmer regarding Bitcoin. Bitcoin should be fully functioning by Monday. I am sure this will supercharge NoBox and the way we do business. The shop is shortly afterwards.

Remember tomorrow is Adjustment day, so NoBox has some extra earnings for you.

Back to Solidtrustpay, the minute the account is working again, I will process STP payouts.

Regards, Karlo

- - - Updated - - -

Hey, just wanted to inform you, a cashout request on your NoBox account has been compleated.
Below are the transaction details.

Transaction ID: #2242232
Completed: Mar 15th, 2013 @ 02:07 am
Amount: $6.00
Fees: $0.00
Net Amount: $6.00
Processor: Liberty Reserve
Processor Account: Salary
Notes: Manual Cashout Request

Last edited by a moderator:


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