Matrix Recyclix -

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Theo lý thuyết của RC thì lãi suất khi hoàn thành chu trình tái chế từ Waste -> Granules là 5tuần x 7 ngày = 35 ngày lãi suất là 200%!
Ví dụ mình đầu tư 1000ER thì lãi sinh ra sau 5 tuần = 35 ngày lãi RC tính 200% = 2000ER;
Lúc đó mình được hưởng lãi suất 14/100% = 0.14 x 2000ER hay là 0.14 x 1000ER vốn! Mình đang tìm hiểu rõ chút để đầu tư một ít vốn tầm mấy trăm ER!

14% của vốn bạn nhé !!!

We have added an online calculator to demonstrate how earnings with Recyclix works.

Please note that if you do not invest your own funds and just use your 20€ bonus, it will take a few complete cycles to generate enough profit to make a successful withdrawal as the minimum is 20 euros.

However, if you have waste worth €100 (500kg), in three weeks you will have regrind material worth €200 because the sale price for regrind is €0.40/kg.

If you click on Recycle, you get 6% of the total waste purchase amount (your initial 100€) as per guidelines and that is €6 of profit.

In another two weeks you will have granules worth €300 (500 kg x €0.60/kg).

When you click on RESTART, you get 8% of the difference between the granules selling price and regrind selling price. In this case, it's 8% of €100 (300 less 200). This is €8 of profit.

Therefore, when you have €100 balance, €6 and €8 will be the profits you keep when you keep recycling over and over without selling goods straight away. The total earnings are 14€ per 5-week cycle.

The number of full recycling cycles is not limited. In order to transfer your accumulated profit to your account balance, please click on RECYCLE button after the completion of the cycle. In this case, the process will begin again using the same volume of waste material you had first.

On the other hand, if you sell your goods, you will receive the 25% share of the selling price. You will not get the total value of your goods because the revenue is shared between you, orthe investor, and us as well as other partners that contribute to covering the company's overhead and production expenses.

So the 300€ of granules would turn to 75€ of cashout when you sell them. You will also get the 6€ you earned for the first 3-week period of the cycle. However, you will NOT get the 8€ for the final 2-week period because that is an incentive only for people who choose to continue recycling. In total, you will get 81€ if you sell outright, and that's actually less than you initially had which was 100€. There is no mistake here.

And that's why we would like to inform you that it makes a lot business sense to withdraw all your funds and sell goods ONLY IF you have increased your revenue share beforehand by buying equipment shares to increase your revenue split share for at least 33% to make selling of goods profitable. However, you can only buy equipment shares if you have at least 5000 kilos of waste to start with. If you have less than this, you can only get income by keeping your goods intact and recycling continuously, taking the 6% and 8% profit accordingly.
có proof, tuy ko nhiều nhưng góp vui vớ a e :D


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Reback thế nào rồi bác 6 ơi. Em dep 230€ rồi. Bác back em lại dep thêm
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