Matrix TripleThr3at - Triple HYBRID Program. ROI 150%. PayPay, PayZa.

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Jun 17, 2013
Thanh toán mới nhận :)



Aug 11, 2014
Dear Hoang Nguyen,

This email is to notify you that your withdrawal requested on 2015-12-17 has been completed. Transaction details are as follows:


  • Date: 2015-12-17
  • Amount Paid: $31.0000
  • Payment Method: Payza
  • Reference:
This is a auto-generated message please don't reply it
[email protected]


Apr 21, 2011
Dear Hoang Nguyen,

This email is to notify you that your withdrawal requested on 2015-12-17 has been completed. Transaction details are as follows:


  • Date: 2015-12-17
  • Amount Paid: $31.0000
  • Payment Method: Payza
  • Reference:
This is a auto-generated message please don't reply it
[email protected]
Như này là sao đây bác hướng dẫn cho ae chơi tiếp với
Good day TT3 family.


Yesterday due to all of your efforts tweeting paypal, I was contacted by upper management in paypal. After about a 45 min conversation we still reached the same conclusion unfortunately, which is that paypal will not release the funds or continue business with us until we get off the credit card black list.

I was told however that refunds would be issued if I present a list to paypal with the users. So that is what we are going to do at this point. We will issue refunds of your seed money ONLY IF YOU CANNOT GET INTO A NEW PROCESSOR.

I repeat for the people who will get confused.

We will offer you a paypal refund ONLY IF YOU CANNOT GET INTO A NEW PROCESSOR. If you can switch over to a new processor then your PayPal money (earnings included) will be switched to the new processor under spendable balance.

Here is how this will work....PAY ATTENTION

1) Anyone who cannot switch to Payza, Stp, neteller, bitcoin, or perfect money will be issued a full refund of their seed money. That's if they have not withdrawn their seed money out already and started to withdraw profit. We are not going to refund you money you have already been able to withdraw. Meaning if you started out with $20, Then you made $20 profit and have withdrawn your initial $20 and anything over that, you will not get your seed money back because you haven't loss anything.

We will create a post next week where these users will add their names to a list. Please do not lie about losing your seed money. We will check to see if you have withdrawn before, past your initial purchase.

2) If you can switch over to a new processor then whatever your current total balance is within your PayPal account we will switch over to the new processor of your choices spendable wallet. To make that clear, that means any withdrawable funds as well as spendable funds in paypal now will be transfered over to the new processors spendable wallet only. We will not transfer over re-purchase balance. So you will have all your money but you will not be able to instantly withdraw when it's transfered over. This is for the longevity and sustainability of the company. With our shares earning correctly again it will take almost no time to cash out regardless.

This day will be know as "The Great Migration". On this day we will allow for 24 hrs only for members to transfer funds from PayPal to whatever new processor they choose. This day has no date yet but will be announced weeks ahead of time so everyone will know. Most likely it will be in 3 weeks to give time for our new processors to be installed. In the meantime keep building your accounts. You can check now if you are able to get a new processor. Go to any of the sites mentioned (Payza, Solid Trust Pay, Bitcoin, Netteller, or Perfect Money) and create an account now. That way you will know if you can switch.

Hope this clears everything up. If not you'll soon understand! I also hope this shows you all how dedicated we are. No other Rev Share in history has every transfered members unrecoverable funds over from PayPal after they went down
But we will. It's nothing new for us to set the bar at a new level. We've been doing that since day 1. With yalls support we can do anything. Imagine how great 2016 will be in tt3? Who knows what's next. Stay tuned!
Good day TT3 family.


Yesterday due to all of your efforts tweeting paypal, I was contacted by upper management in paypal. After about a 45 min conversation we still reached the same conclusion unfortunately, which is that paypal will not release the funds or continue business with us until we get off the credit card black list.

I was told however that refunds would be issued if I present a list to paypal with the users. So that is what we are going to do at this point. We will issue refunds of your seed money ONLY IF YOU CANNOT GET INTO A NEW PROCESSOR.

I repeat for the people who will get confused.

We will offer you a paypal refund ONLY IF YOU CANNOT GET INTO A NEW PROCESSOR. If you can switch over to a new processor then your PayPal money (earnings included) will be switched to the new processor under spendable balance.

Here is how this will work....PAY ATTENTION

1) Anyone who cannot switch to Payza, Stp, neteller, bitcoin, or perfect money will be issued a full refund of their seed money. That's if they have not withdrawn their seed money out already and started to withdraw profit. We are not going to refund you money you have already been able to withdraw. Meaning if you started out with $20, Then you made $20 profit and have withdrawn your initial $20 and anything over that, you will not get your seed money back because you haven't loss anything.

We will create a post next week where these users will add their names to a list. Please do not lie about losing your seed money. We will check to see if you have withdrawn before, past your initial purchase.

2) If you can switch over to a new processor then whatever your current total balance is within your PayPal account we will switch over to the new processor of your choices spendable wallet. To make that clear, that means any withdrawable funds as well as spendable funds in paypal now will be transfered over to the new processors spendable wallet only. We will not transfer over re-purchase balance. So you will have all your money but you will not be able to instantly withdraw when it's transfered over. This is for the longevity and sustainability of the company. With our shares earning correctly again it will take almost no time to cash out regardless.

This day will be know as "The Great Migration". On this day we will allow for 24 hrs only for members to transfer funds from PayPal to whatever new processor they choose. This day has no date yet but will be announced weeks ahead of time so everyone will know. Most likely it will be in 3 weeks to give time for our new processors to be installed. In the meantime keep building your accounts. You can check now if you are able to get a new processor. Go to any of the sites mentioned (Payza, Solid Trust Pay, Bitcoin, Netteller, or Perfect Money) and create an account now. That way you will know if you can switch.

Hope this clears everything up. If not you'll soon understand! I also hope this shows you all how dedicated we are. No other Rev Share in history has every transfered members unrecoverable funds over from PayPal after they went down
But we will. It's nothing new for us to set the bar at a new level. We've been doing that since day 1. With yalls support we can do anything. Imagine how great 2016 will be in tt3? Who knows what's next. Stay tuned!
Có phải ý nó là cho chuyển balance pp sang pz đúng k bác
Nó bảo nếu ko thể chuyển tiền sang mấy cổng khác thì sẽ cho refund, mình có mỗi PM, mà vào ko có, chắc refund dc :'(

giờ làm sao cho nó refund luôn hả pác,PZ với STP ở VN ko có giá và ít ng xài quá :(

Các bác hiểu sai nó rồi. Nó chỉ refund nếu như các bác ko thể lập được Pz hay STP thôi, Nói cách khác trừ khi các bác sống ở đất nước mà cả Pz lẫn Stp không dùng được (hay bị cấm bởi luật như PM bị cấm ở Mỹ) thì mới được refund chứ nó ko refund cho trường hợp lập được acc nhưng ko lập acc.

Nói chung ở VN chỉ có lựa chọn lập Pz mà chơi :rolleyes: Chứ các bác tao ko có tài khoản pz và ko dùng pz thì nó ko refund đâu vì Pz được cho phép dùng ở VN

P/s: Thực ra nó nói thế thôi chứ giờ site nó có cả Pz, STP và BTC. Kiếm đâu ra cái đất nước nào mà ko support cả 3 cái này. Nên nói thẳng số người được refund chỉ đếm trên đầu ngón tay, thậm chí là ko có. (Admin nó đâu có ngu mà refund nhiều :D)
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Theo tình hình này thì cũng ko tệ. Em có tài khoản PZ verified chính chủ đàng hoàng rồi. Còn 150$ trong đấy. Khi nào nó chuyển toàn bộ tiền từ PP sang PZ là dùng PZ mua membership, mua share và rút nốt thôi :D vì nó chuyển xong ko rút được ngay. lại phải đem mua share thu lại mới rút được :D
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